Erectile Dysfunction was considered for pretty long time a condition that affect men in their mature age, generally speaking the ones that are older. However, this is not exactly like this. Impotence problem are able to happen even when a man is in college.
However, things are not that bad and most of such cases are temporary and there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It is always hard for men, however. It hurts their self-confidence and self-assurance and puts a question mark on their whole concept of masculinity. Good news is that erectile dysfunction is not as scary as it may seem and with proper knowledge and attendance it is easily treated.
Temporary erectile dysfunction is evoked generally either by physical or psychological factors. The latter are even more frequent than the former ones. They include depression, stress and anxiety factors and interfere with having erections pretty much and even in young men. What concerns physical reasons, they can be drugs, alcohol and smoking. These three factors are responsible for the physical inability to maintain erection for the most part. Medications are also capable to evoke erection problems. A lot of drugs have got side-effect list and it is recommended to be aware of it beforehand.
Luckily, temporary erectile dysfunction is pretty easy to cure. One of the first steps to take is to get the understanding of the reasons and eliminating any factors that are able in any way to evoke problems with erection. This may mean having enough sleep and getting sufficient rest as well as avoiding any stressful situations or giving up bad habits. The latter step works in the majority of cases with 100% effect.
It is also a very common wrong belief that a man should be able and ready to perform any time, all the time, but this is really impossible. When you need good healthy sleep and your body gives you certain signs where is no surprise that you may have troubles achieving erection - your body knows better what it needs.
Once again, it is very important to get rid of all the stressful factors in life, if any problems with erection occur. Otherwise, troubles will be there no matter how hard you try. It is recommended to learn to relax and stay positive. A lot of specialists advise yoga, massage as well as any physical activity as stress-removing factors. These activities are able to distract and fill with energy and positivity and therefore improve general health as well as erection.
Read complete article by Nataly Meyers @
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Obesity and Erectile Dysfunction
Researchers have found that men with increased BMI (Body Mass Index) have a higher risk of erectile dysfunction. The quality of life of men is affected by erectile dysfunction. Sexual performance of obese men is almost equal to the performance of man with normal weight who is 20 years older.
Erection requires a sequence of events. Erectile dysfunction can occur when any of the events is disturbed. Nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column, around the penis and response in muscles, fibrous tissues, veins, and arteries in and around the corpora cavernosa constitute this sequence of events. Injury to any of these parts which are part of this sequence ( nerves, arteries, smooth muscles, fibrous tissue ) can cause Erectile Dysfunction.
According to principles of ayurveda kapha dosha and medho dhatu are vitiated in obese persons. These doshas block srotas (different vital channels which carry signals , nutrients , blood etc ). When srotas are blocked the blood flow and supply of nutrients to male reproductive system gets affected. Even the flow of signals is interrupted. This leads to erectile dysfunction.
Obesity affects the blood vessels of penis. Obesity leads to accumulation of cholesterol on the inner walls of penile artery (Atherosclerosis). The diameter of penile artery is very small. Atherosclerosis further reduces the penile artery’s diameter leading to reduced blood flow. Reduced blood flow to penis tissues causes erectile dysfunction.
The production of testosterone a male hormone is affected in men who are obese. The testosterone level is usually below normal in over weighted men. Low testosterone level causes erectile dysfunction and low libido. This condition is known as hypogonadism.
Psychological factors also play a role in obese men. Obese persons usually have low a self esteem. Anxiety, stress, depression also affect the sexual performance of obese persons. Thus psychological factors can cause erectile dysfunction in obese men.
Natural tips to improve erectile dysfunction in obese men:
Concentrate on weight loss
Increase physical activity.
A brisk walk daily for 45 minutes helps in a long way.
Include whole grains, dry fruits, and vegetables in your diet.
Avoid deep fried, junk foods and soft drinks.
Drink coffee and tea with less sugar or no sugar.
Do not consume sweets, cakes and pastries etc which contain margarine.
Say no to chocolates and ice creams.
Avoid red meat and consume fish.
Vigorous exercise and increased physical activity lower the risk of erection problems by 30%.
These methods help obese men to improve erectile dysfunction.
This article is copyrighted. Read Complete article by Dr.Krishna.R.S @
Erection requires a sequence of events. Erectile dysfunction can occur when any of the events is disturbed. Nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column, around the penis and response in muscles, fibrous tissues, veins, and arteries in and around the corpora cavernosa constitute this sequence of events. Injury to any of these parts which are part of this sequence ( nerves, arteries, smooth muscles, fibrous tissue ) can cause Erectile Dysfunction.
According to principles of ayurveda kapha dosha and medho dhatu are vitiated in obese persons. These doshas block srotas (different vital channels which carry signals , nutrients , blood etc ). When srotas are blocked the blood flow and supply of nutrients to male reproductive system gets affected. Even the flow of signals is interrupted. This leads to erectile dysfunction.
Obesity affects the blood vessels of penis. Obesity leads to accumulation of cholesterol on the inner walls of penile artery (Atherosclerosis). The diameter of penile artery is very small. Atherosclerosis further reduces the penile artery’s diameter leading to reduced blood flow. Reduced blood flow to penis tissues causes erectile dysfunction.
The production of testosterone a male hormone is affected in men who are obese. The testosterone level is usually below normal in over weighted men. Low testosterone level causes erectile dysfunction and low libido. This condition is known as hypogonadism.
Psychological factors also play a role in obese men. Obese persons usually have low a self esteem. Anxiety, stress, depression also affect the sexual performance of obese persons. Thus psychological factors can cause erectile dysfunction in obese men.
Natural tips to improve erectile dysfunction in obese men:
Concentrate on weight loss
Increase physical activity.
A brisk walk daily for 45 minutes helps in a long way.
Include whole grains, dry fruits, and vegetables in your diet.
Avoid deep fried, junk foods and soft drinks.
Drink coffee and tea with less sugar or no sugar.
Do not consume sweets, cakes and pastries etc which contain margarine.
Say no to chocolates and ice creams.
Avoid red meat and consume fish.
Vigorous exercise and increased physical activity lower the risk of erection problems by 30%.
These methods help obese men to improve erectile dysfunction.
This article is copyrighted. Read Complete article by Dr.Krishna.R.S @
erectile dysfunction,
low libido,
over weight,
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Low sperm count Causes
The main cause of male infertility is low sperm count. Many biological and environmental factors can cause low sperm count in men. The causes of male infertility have been explained in texts of ayurveda. Few of these factors are discussed below.
Age: Studies have shown that the rate of fertility decreases as age of men increases. Low testosterone level and degeneration of tissues may cause lowered fertility in aged persons. Ayurveda acharyas recommend “Vajikarana therapy” to elderly men. This therapy keeps men as strong as “Vaji” ( Horse) by increasing their sexual energy and stamina.
Stress: Emotional Stress produces stress hormones which interfere in production of sperms. This results in low sperm count. Stress reducing techniques like Yoga, Meditation, deep breathing etc help to reduce stress. Hence ayurveda acharyas have included herbs like Ashwagandha in Vajikarana category.
Lubricants: Lubricants used in condoms or Vaseline can affect sperm count.
Testicular Exposure to Overheating.: Over heating of testicles due to fever, saunas, hot water bath tubs etc reduce sperm count. Persons who work with their lap tops keeping them on their thighs may encounter low level of sperms. Men who are exposed to very high temperatures at working place may also face this condition. Ayurveda acharyas recommend washing of testicles with cold water twice daily.
Cocaine or marijuana: Cocaine or marijuana reduces sperm count by 50%. They reduce the swimming ability of sperms. According to principles of ayurveda these substances are “tamoguna pradhana” . Tamoguna induces lethargy and sleep. Hence sperms lose their ability to swim when these substances are consumed.
Smoking. Studies have shown that smoking reduces sperm count and sperm motility. It also reduces life span of sperm. Apart from this it causes erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation which are also causes of primary infertility.
Nutrient deficiencies: Nutrients like as vitamin C, selenium, zinc, and folate help in production of healthy sperms and they also help to increase their count. Deficiency of these nutrients may lead to low sperm count.
Obesity: Few studies have shown a relationship between obesity and low sperm count. According to ayurveda caharyas heating of testicles due to overlapping belly may lead to low sperm count.
Trauma to testicles: Any trauma to testicles may interfere with production of sperms. Usually Bicycling, raiding motor bike, etc lead to lowering of sperm count.
Apart from these genetic factors, toxins, chemicals, heavy metals and infections may also hinder production of sperms which results in low sperm count. Exposure to X-ray and other radiations may also act as causative factors for lowering sperm count.
Varicocele : Varicoceles are found in 15% to 20% of all men and in 25% to 40% of infertile men. It is not clear how they affect fertility, or even if they do at all.
This article is copy righted. The author Dr.Krishna.R.S is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda Health Care for Mencontact him .Read more at Low sperm count causes
Age: Studies have shown that the rate of fertility decreases as age of men increases. Low testosterone level and degeneration of tissues may cause lowered fertility in aged persons. Ayurveda acharyas recommend “Vajikarana therapy” to elderly men. This therapy keeps men as strong as “Vaji” ( Horse) by increasing their sexual energy and stamina.
Stress: Emotional Stress produces stress hormones which interfere in production of sperms. This results in low sperm count. Stress reducing techniques like Yoga, Meditation, deep breathing etc help to reduce stress. Hence ayurveda acharyas have included herbs like Ashwagandha in Vajikarana category.
Lubricants: Lubricants used in condoms or Vaseline can affect sperm count.
Testicular Exposure to Overheating.: Over heating of testicles due to fever, saunas, hot water bath tubs etc reduce sperm count. Persons who work with their lap tops keeping them on their thighs may encounter low level of sperms. Men who are exposed to very high temperatures at working place may also face this condition. Ayurveda acharyas recommend washing of testicles with cold water twice daily.
Cocaine or marijuana: Cocaine or marijuana reduces sperm count by 50%. They reduce the swimming ability of sperms. According to principles of ayurveda these substances are “tamoguna pradhana” . Tamoguna induces lethargy and sleep. Hence sperms lose their ability to swim when these substances are consumed.
Smoking. Studies have shown that smoking reduces sperm count and sperm motility. It also reduces life span of sperm. Apart from this it causes erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation which are also causes of primary infertility.
Nutrient deficiencies: Nutrients like as vitamin C, selenium, zinc, and folate help in production of healthy sperms and they also help to increase their count. Deficiency of these nutrients may lead to low sperm count.
Obesity: Few studies have shown a relationship between obesity and low sperm count. According to ayurveda caharyas heating of testicles due to overlapping belly may lead to low sperm count.
Trauma to testicles: Any trauma to testicles may interfere with production of sperms. Usually Bicycling, raiding motor bike, etc lead to lowering of sperm count.
Apart from these genetic factors, toxins, chemicals, heavy metals and infections may also hinder production of sperms which results in low sperm count. Exposure to X-ray and other radiations may also act as causative factors for lowering sperm count.
Varicocele : Varicoceles are found in 15% to 20% of all men and in 25% to 40% of infertile men. It is not clear how they affect fertility, or even if they do at all.
This article is copy righted. The author Dr.Krishna.R.S is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda Health Care for Mencontact him .Read more at Low sperm count causes
low sperm count,
Vajikarana therapy
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Stress and Libido in Men - How to Boost Sex Drive in Men Naturally
Stress and libido in men do not go hand in hand. They seem to be having an inverse relationship. Increased stress in your life can make you lose all your desire to have sex. Not only this, it can also trigger erectile dysfunction. Almost 10-20% of all cases of erectile dysfunction stem from stress related psychological issues.
Stress tends to increase the production of hormone Cortisol in your body which affects testosterone levels adversely. Since testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, a drop in its production leads to lack of sex drive and triggers erectile dysfunction. Not only this, low testosterone levels can also lead to reduced energy levels, loss of lean muscle, increased body fat and weight, mood swings, depression, irritable behavior etc.,
There is hardly any aspect of your body that remains unaffected with a drop in testosterone levels.
How to Reduce Stress
Certain relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation can be a big help. Personally, I find deep breathing exercises extremely helpful. Just lie down on a bed and take a deep breath. Hold it for a few seconds and exhale through the mouth. Make sure you take a second or two more to exhale as compared to inhaling.
Repeat this exercise for a few minutes and you would be surprised to see how it can reduce stress.
Another great method of reducing stress is to workout regularly. Regular exercise is a great stress buster. Not only this, it also helps boost blood flow to the genitals and ensure an increase in your libido.
Lack of sleep or sleep deprivation is another factor that can lead to in your stress levels, As a result most men experience a drop in their libido. What is worse is that they do not understand what it causing this drop in their sex drive and begin blaming their family and kids.
Getting adequate sleep helps reduce stress. It is one of the most effective ways to regain your sex drive.
Natural Supplements
Besides reducing stress, there are some natural supplements that are a rich blend of herbs and other nutrients that not only increase blood flow to the penis and boost testosterone production but also help reduce stress. Some of the ingredients in such pills include panax ginseng, ginkgo biloba, muira pauma, tribulus terrestris, long jack, acai berry etc.,
Panax ginseng not only helps boost blood circulation in your body but also helps reduce stress. Not only this, it also helps build sperm. Such supplements not only give a boost to your libido or sex drive but also ensure powerful erections. Another interesting fact about the such high quality supplements is that they can also stimulate growth hormone production and reverse age effects to a great extent and that too without any side effects.
Read complete article by Paul Norman @
Stress tends to increase the production of hormone Cortisol in your body which affects testosterone levels adversely. Since testosterone is the primary male sex hormone, a drop in its production leads to lack of sex drive and triggers erectile dysfunction. Not only this, low testosterone levels can also lead to reduced energy levels, loss of lean muscle, increased body fat and weight, mood swings, depression, irritable behavior etc.,
There is hardly any aspect of your body that remains unaffected with a drop in testosterone levels.
How to Reduce Stress
Certain relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation can be a big help. Personally, I find deep breathing exercises extremely helpful. Just lie down on a bed and take a deep breath. Hold it for a few seconds and exhale through the mouth. Make sure you take a second or two more to exhale as compared to inhaling.
Repeat this exercise for a few minutes and you would be surprised to see how it can reduce stress.
Another great method of reducing stress is to workout regularly. Regular exercise is a great stress buster. Not only this, it also helps boost blood flow to the genitals and ensure an increase in your libido.
Lack of sleep or sleep deprivation is another factor that can lead to in your stress levels, As a result most men experience a drop in their libido. What is worse is that they do not understand what it causing this drop in their sex drive and begin blaming their family and kids.
Getting adequate sleep helps reduce stress. It is one of the most effective ways to regain your sex drive.
Natural Supplements
Besides reducing stress, there are some natural supplements that are a rich blend of herbs and other nutrients that not only increase blood flow to the penis and boost testosterone production but also help reduce stress. Some of the ingredients in such pills include panax ginseng, ginkgo biloba, muira pauma, tribulus terrestris, long jack, acai berry etc.,
Panax ginseng not only helps boost blood circulation in your body but also helps reduce stress. Not only this, it also helps build sperm. Such supplements not only give a boost to your libido or sex drive but also ensure powerful erections. Another interesting fact about the such high quality supplements is that they can also stimulate growth hormone production and reverse age effects to a great extent and that too without any side effects.
Read complete article by Paul Norman @
erectile dysfunction,
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Erectile Dysfunction from Nadidosha
Erectile dysfunction is a common problem now a days, increased prevalence credited to environmental and food toxins. The toxins manifest into various disease states, which we term as root causes.Without knowing root cause, home remedies can be tried but they may not address the issue in long term. Foods which enhance testosterone, zinc, C-vitamins all are helpful for short term. Same thing can be said about suggestions about yoga asanas
While science tries to link ED with hormones, vascular problems etc, the spiritual ayurveda has different reasoning. ED is a deficiency in fertility. Fertility is directly related to bio-energy, chi or Prana, another name for sexual energy. Hence yogi's who carry out tantric breathings, other techniques have enhanced it. In all the phenomena in universe, peaks are short lived or are unstable. The on-set of instability can occur when energy stored in one state crosses a certain limit. Hence yogi's are vulnerable to the loss of this energy, the classical example of Sage Vishvamitra exists in mythology.
There are certain formulations of mercury, sulphur (considered sperm and sexual essence of Lord Siva and Godess Parvati respectively) and various other aphrodisiacs which help attain good energy. However, they many a time act like a whip, the body develops saturation limit to which it can be whipped. Recall what happened to intial Viagra users. It demands stronger and stronger formulation to achieve same level of performance. Many such formulations are pedaled across the counter in Indian market. Patients get addicted to these, and need for stronger and stronger formulation arises slowly.
Best way is to meet a vaidya, who can determine root cause of the problem, which may include the stress also. The antihypertensives,anti-anxiety, anti-convulsants should be jettisoned first in such cases, as they are culprits. Long term use of anti-convulsants caused MS like symptoms (in addition to ED) in one case which approached this author. The detoxification stretching over 25 weeks could restore partial ability. Alcohol, sugar, smoking can be equated to allopathic poisons directed to CNS, and some common approaches can be devised. However, it can be stated that each case is unique, and requires individualized approach.
There is another side to this problem, not addressed in any text of ayurveda, hence the need for this article. Modern science invented the transplant of heart, kidney other tissues etc. In order that the transplanted organ, tissue becomes accepted by receipent, certain blood match is essential. In the same way, blood match in the form of natal moon star is required when Indians marry. This test is termed "Nadi dosha". Since sexual fluids mix, their match has been studied by ancient sage, and rules have been given in astrological texts. Of course, there are exceptions under certain conditions, as given by Sage Garg, (see Garg Samhita) which are not known to many astrology practitioners.
The effect of nadi dosha is to reduce fertility in one way or the other. While in animals, there are pheromones to ensure that only properly matching animals mate, Humans lost their sense of smell, and matching the couple is now mostly based on material factors rather than sexual compatibility instinct. (Aswini, Aridra, Swati, Mula and Satbisa do have strong sense of smell as exceptions). Astrologers are also over-ruled. The result is of course short socially acceptable associations and extra marital relationships.
Based on the experience of this author's Guru, author and his friends researching the principle of nadi dosha, it can be stated that:
In couples with "Aadya" nadi dosha, the Vata unbalnce surfaces in wife. Her ability to deliver normally suffers and she has to consent for C-section. Moreover, premature menopause is also likely in most cases.
In couples with "Madhya" nadi-dosha, pitta dosha unbalances for husband occur. Frequent miscarriages are also possible. ED or premature ejaculation develops slowly. Elasticity of pelvic muscles also becomes weak for female and union is no longer enjoyable.
In couples with "Antya" nadi-dosha, Kapha dosha becomes unbalanced and immunity of both partners suffers. Sex frequency reduces significantly. The physical attraction also becomes weak. Loss of libido is mostly observed.
There can be exceptions, since above observations consider only moon match. Moreover, nadi dosha gets softened depending on exact placement of moon in natal star. Aspect of Jupiter on moon, softenes the fertility damage significantly.
Many couples admit that their fertility problems started only after marriage.Why the apathy, loss of physical attraction, lack of orgasmic bliss develops? God has his own choice which we overrule by material factors. A senior doctor in a mission hospital in South India had married with Nadi dosha present. His daughter became a doctor and married an Indian surgeon working in NY city hospital, the best materialistic match. Nadi dosha was present again, thus became squared.
Both became professional experts. Their son was born mentally retarded and died at age 12, by a sudden stroke. They did not get any issue further as wife faced premature menopause. None of the medical reports could explain why son became mentally retarded when parents were Gold medalists, why wife developed premature menopause. Friends, this is not an anecdotal case. Several cases are existing in the memory of this author, where nadi dosha manifested in corrupted or reduced fertility. If rules of statistical theories hold, 30% marriages come under nadi dosha, if nadi dosha is not used as a constraint. But Indians do follow astrological advise, and could that be the reason for higher fertility in India compared to rest of urban world?
Erectile Disfunction from Nadidosha By Dr.Shirish Bhate @
While science tries to link ED with hormones, vascular problems etc, the spiritual ayurveda has different reasoning. ED is a deficiency in fertility. Fertility is directly related to bio-energy, chi or Prana, another name for sexual energy. Hence yogi's who carry out tantric breathings, other techniques have enhanced it. In all the phenomena in universe, peaks are short lived or are unstable. The on-set of instability can occur when energy stored in one state crosses a certain limit. Hence yogi's are vulnerable to the loss of this energy, the classical example of Sage Vishvamitra exists in mythology.
There are certain formulations of mercury, sulphur (considered sperm and sexual essence of Lord Siva and Godess Parvati respectively) and various other aphrodisiacs which help attain good energy. However, they many a time act like a whip, the body develops saturation limit to which it can be whipped. Recall what happened to intial Viagra users. It demands stronger and stronger formulation to achieve same level of performance. Many such formulations are pedaled across the counter in Indian market. Patients get addicted to these, and need for stronger and stronger formulation arises slowly.
Best way is to meet a vaidya, who can determine root cause of the problem, which may include the stress also. The antihypertensives,anti-anxiety, anti-convulsants should be jettisoned first in such cases, as they are culprits. Long term use of anti-convulsants caused MS like symptoms (in addition to ED) in one case which approached this author. The detoxification stretching over 25 weeks could restore partial ability. Alcohol, sugar, smoking can be equated to allopathic poisons directed to CNS, and some common approaches can be devised. However, it can be stated that each case is unique, and requires individualized approach.
There is another side to this problem, not addressed in any text of ayurveda, hence the need for this article. Modern science invented the transplant of heart, kidney other tissues etc. In order that the transplanted organ, tissue becomes accepted by receipent, certain blood match is essential. In the same way, blood match in the form of natal moon star is required when Indians marry. This test is termed "Nadi dosha". Since sexual fluids mix, their match has been studied by ancient sage, and rules have been given in astrological texts. Of course, there are exceptions under certain conditions, as given by Sage Garg, (see Garg Samhita) which are not known to many astrology practitioners.
The effect of nadi dosha is to reduce fertility in one way or the other. While in animals, there are pheromones to ensure that only properly matching animals mate, Humans lost their sense of smell, and matching the couple is now mostly based on material factors rather than sexual compatibility instinct. (Aswini, Aridra, Swati, Mula and Satbisa do have strong sense of smell as exceptions). Astrologers are also over-ruled. The result is of course short socially acceptable associations and extra marital relationships.
Based on the experience of this author's Guru, author and his friends researching the principle of nadi dosha, it can be stated that:
In couples with "Aadya" nadi dosha, the Vata unbalnce surfaces in wife. Her ability to deliver normally suffers and she has to consent for C-section. Moreover, premature menopause is also likely in most cases.
In couples with "Madhya" nadi-dosha, pitta dosha unbalances for husband occur. Frequent miscarriages are also possible. ED or premature ejaculation develops slowly. Elasticity of pelvic muscles also becomes weak for female and union is no longer enjoyable.
In couples with "Antya" nadi-dosha, Kapha dosha becomes unbalanced and immunity of both partners suffers. Sex frequency reduces significantly. The physical attraction also becomes weak. Loss of libido is mostly observed.
There can be exceptions, since above observations consider only moon match. Moreover, nadi dosha gets softened depending on exact placement of moon in natal star. Aspect of Jupiter on moon, softenes the fertility damage significantly.
Many couples admit that their fertility problems started only after marriage.Why the apathy, loss of physical attraction, lack of orgasmic bliss develops? God has his own choice which we overrule by material factors. A senior doctor in a mission hospital in South India had married with Nadi dosha present. His daughter became a doctor and married an Indian surgeon working in NY city hospital, the best materialistic match. Nadi dosha was present again, thus became squared.
Both became professional experts. Their son was born mentally retarded and died at age 12, by a sudden stroke. They did not get any issue further as wife faced premature menopause. None of the medical reports could explain why son became mentally retarded when parents were Gold medalists, why wife developed premature menopause. Friends, this is not an anecdotal case. Several cases are existing in the memory of this author, where nadi dosha manifested in corrupted or reduced fertility. If rules of statistical theories hold, 30% marriages come under nadi dosha, if nadi dosha is not used as a constraint. But Indians do follow astrological advise, and could that be the reason for higher fertility in India compared to rest of urban world?
Erectile Disfunction from Nadidosha By Dr.Shirish Bhate @
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Diabetes and low sperm count
Recent researches have shown that men with diabetes have low sperm count. Uncontrolled blood sugar level and fluctuating blood sugar levels lead to low sperm count.
According to principles of ayurveda - Rasa (lymph), medas (body fat), rakta (blood), shukra ambu (body fluid) get vitiated by tridoshas (vata ,pitta ,kapha) to cause prameha or diabetes. In this condition the seven dhatus which nourish our body reduce in quality due to affliction of tridoshas. The seventh dhatu “Shukra dhatu” or semen gets affected in this process. As a result sperm count and sperm motility reduce.
The shukra dhatu or semen gets its nourishment through rasa dhatu. In diabetes rasa dhatu gets vitiated through doshas. Due to this the nourishment to shukra dhatu decreases. This affects the beejaanu or sperms
A new article has been published at which goes as follows
Diabetes sufferers have lower sperm count
"Men with diabetes stand a lower chance of conceiving a baby, a new study has fou"
Men with diabetes stand a lower chance of conceiving a baby, a new study has found.
Published in the Human Reproduction journal, the research shows that semen volume is lower in diabetic men compared with non-diabetic men and that the nuclear DNA in diabetic men's sperm cells is more fragmented.
Furthermore, there were more mitochondrial deletions – meaning a loss in the 'power stations' inside cells that fuel cell activity – in those with the disease.
Dr Ishola Agbaje of Belfast University who carried out the research, said: "Our study identifies important evidence of increased DNA fragmentation of nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA deletions in sperm from diabetic men.
"These findings cause concern, as they may have implications for fertility," he added.
"If the increasing trend in the incidence of type I diabetes continues, this will result in a 50 per cent increase over the next ten years.
"As a consequence, diabetes will affect many more men prior to and during their reproductive years.
"Infertility is already a major health problem in both the developed and developing world, with up to one in six couples requiring specialist investigation or treatment in order to conceive."
Read complete article @
According to principles of ayurveda - Rasa (lymph), medas (body fat), rakta (blood), shukra ambu (body fluid) get vitiated by tridoshas (vata ,pitta ,kapha) to cause prameha or diabetes. In this condition the seven dhatus which nourish our body reduce in quality due to affliction of tridoshas. The seventh dhatu “Shukra dhatu” or semen gets affected in this process. As a result sperm count and sperm motility reduce.
The shukra dhatu or semen gets its nourishment through rasa dhatu. In diabetes rasa dhatu gets vitiated through doshas. Due to this the nourishment to shukra dhatu decreases. This affects the beejaanu or sperms
A new article has been published at which goes as follows
Diabetes sufferers have lower sperm count
"Men with diabetes stand a lower chance of conceiving a baby, a new study has fou"
Men with diabetes stand a lower chance of conceiving a baby, a new study has found.
Published in the Human Reproduction journal, the research shows that semen volume is lower in diabetic men compared with non-diabetic men and that the nuclear DNA in diabetic men's sperm cells is more fragmented.
Furthermore, there were more mitochondrial deletions – meaning a loss in the 'power stations' inside cells that fuel cell activity – in those with the disease.
Dr Ishola Agbaje of Belfast University who carried out the research, said: "Our study identifies important evidence of increased DNA fragmentation of nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA deletions in sperm from diabetic men.
"These findings cause concern, as they may have implications for fertility," he added.
"If the increasing trend in the incidence of type I diabetes continues, this will result in a 50 per cent increase over the next ten years.
"As a consequence, diabetes will affect many more men prior to and during their reproductive years.
"Infertility is already a major health problem in both the developed and developing world, with up to one in six couples requiring specialist investigation or treatment in order to conceive."
Read complete article @
sperm count,
sperm motility
Friday, August 06, 2010
Ayurveda Medicinal properties of Ashwagandha
Ayurveda texts describe medicinal properties of ashwagandha as follows
1. "Kando vajikaraha smritaha"- The roots of ashwagandha act as Vajikara or aphrodesiac. Ashwagandha acts as Vajikara. Hence it helps in erectile dysfunction, prevents premature ejaculation and increases quality and quantity of semen.
2. "Ashwagandha anila shleshma shwitra shotha kshayaapaha". Ashwagandha helps in conditions like inflammation, vitiligo, and in general weakness. It also helps to alleviate vata and kapha dosha. Thus ashwagandha is beneficial in diseases arising from vitiation of vata and kapha.
3. "Balya rasaaayani tiktaa kashayoshnaatishukrala”. Ashwagandha strengthens the body and rejuvenates its tissues. It increases quality and quantity of semen.
4. "Vriddho api bhavedyuvam" . Regular use of ashwagandha helps elderly persons to gain energy like a youth.
Ashwagnadha helps to reduce stress, inflammation. It increases digestion and helps to eliminate intestinal parasites. Researches have shown that ashwagandha helps to reduce blood pressure, asthma and helps in skin diseases. This herb is used as a vital ingredient in many ayurvedic preparations which are used in epilepsy and other psychological disorders. It normalizes sleep and helps to reduce cough and allergic bronchitis.
1. "Kando vajikaraha smritaha"- The roots of ashwagandha act as Vajikara or aphrodesiac. Ashwagandha acts as Vajikara. Hence it helps in erectile dysfunction, prevents premature ejaculation and increases quality and quantity of semen.
2. "Ashwagandha anila shleshma shwitra shotha kshayaapaha". Ashwagandha helps in conditions like inflammation, vitiligo, and in general weakness. It also helps to alleviate vata and kapha dosha. Thus ashwagandha is beneficial in diseases arising from vitiation of vata and kapha.
3. "Balya rasaaayani tiktaa kashayoshnaatishukrala”. Ashwagandha strengthens the body and rejuvenates its tissues. It increases quality and quantity of semen.
4. "Vriddho api bhavedyuvam" . Regular use of ashwagandha helps elderly persons to gain energy like a youth.
Ashwagnadha helps to reduce stress, inflammation. It increases digestion and helps to eliminate intestinal parasites. Researches have shown that ashwagandha helps to reduce blood pressure, asthma and helps in skin diseases. This herb is used as a vital ingredient in many ayurvedic preparations which are used in epilepsy and other psychological disorders. It normalizes sleep and helps to reduce cough and allergic bronchitis.
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Ashwagandha (Sanskrit ) -Withania somnifera
Ashwagandha is popularly known as Indian ginseng. Ayurveda recommends the use of ashwagandha in many health conditions. It is known to reduce stress level, increase energy, boost immunity and reduce inflammation. This herb helps in nervous debility and acts as a rejuvenator. Because of these properties ashwagandha is used in vajikarana preparations. It is commonly used in ayurvedic preparations which help in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low sperm count and low sperm motility.
Know more about Ashwagandha @
Know more about Ashwagandha @
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Premature Ejaculation Causes
One of the most common sexual dysfunction that most men suffer from is premature ejaculation. Studies have found that it takes about 5-10 minutes. However, the length of time it takes to reach orgasm is irrelevant. It becomes an issue if your partner regularly gets aroused during sex but needs you to stay erect longer. About 30 percent of American men reach orgasm earlier than they'd like to. PE which is also called involuntary ejaculation is a temporary condition among young, inexperienced men or people beginning a new relationship. Read the following and learn more about premature ejaculation causes.
There are a number of factors responsible for PE causes. Excitement or anxiety is a major factor for causing this problem. For instance when a man indulges in the sexual act for the first time, he might find it difficult to control it. Often he rushes to act and ends up unsatisfying. Premature ejaculation may also be caused due to physical or structural problem, neurological problem, etc. Infection of the prostrate gland, performance guilty, anxiety, etc are also the causes of PE. Depression is another major cause of premature ejaculation. Such an individual fails to enjoy having sex.
There have also been cases where learning to distinguish and manage the feelings in the penis also reduces the arousal. Older men also tend to be at a higher risk of suffering from this problem. No doubt they are more experienced but the feeling of excitement comes back at a certain stage where men face the problem of premature ejaculation. Most commonly adolescents suffer from this condition. However, it should be kept in mind that premature ejaculation is not a disease but a disorder which can be controlled and perfected with practice. So there is no point using any medications to avoid this condition. The best way is to understand the causes and learn the self help methods on how to control and mange premature ejaculation.
If the PE causes is psychological then the counseling is the best way to overcome this problem. Only open discussion can help in such a situation. There are also other methods like masturbating before having sex, excessive foreplay to excite both the partners, use of thicker condoms and the stop and start technique re some of the ways through which you can delay PE. Initially you might find it quite difficult to get use to it, but keep practicing till you master it.
Once you get to know each and every whims of your arousal, you will be able to enjoy sex for an extended period of time. There are also many other ways through which you can control premature ejaculation. As far as possible, stay away from medications for it is not going to be of much help.Be proactive and be aware of the various ejaculation causes. The more you are aware of the PE, the more will be your chances of recovery.
Read complete article by Linda Jitto @
There are a number of factors responsible for PE causes. Excitement or anxiety is a major factor for causing this problem. For instance when a man indulges in the sexual act for the first time, he might find it difficult to control it. Often he rushes to act and ends up unsatisfying. Premature ejaculation may also be caused due to physical or structural problem, neurological problem, etc. Infection of the prostrate gland, performance guilty, anxiety, etc are also the causes of PE. Depression is another major cause of premature ejaculation. Such an individual fails to enjoy having sex.
There have also been cases where learning to distinguish and manage the feelings in the penis also reduces the arousal. Older men also tend to be at a higher risk of suffering from this problem. No doubt they are more experienced but the feeling of excitement comes back at a certain stage where men face the problem of premature ejaculation. Most commonly adolescents suffer from this condition. However, it should be kept in mind that premature ejaculation is not a disease but a disorder which can be controlled and perfected with practice. So there is no point using any medications to avoid this condition. The best way is to understand the causes and learn the self help methods on how to control and mange premature ejaculation.
If the PE causes is psychological then the counseling is the best way to overcome this problem. Only open discussion can help in such a situation. There are also other methods like masturbating before having sex, excessive foreplay to excite both the partners, use of thicker condoms and the stop and start technique re some of the ways through which you can delay PE. Initially you might find it quite difficult to get use to it, but keep practicing till you master it.
Once you get to know each and every whims of your arousal, you will be able to enjoy sex for an extended period of time. There are also many other ways through which you can control premature ejaculation. As far as possible, stay away from medications for it is not going to be of much help.Be proactive and be aware of the various ejaculation causes. The more you are aware of the PE, the more will be your chances of recovery.
Read complete article by Linda Jitto @
premature ejacultation,
self help
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Discolration of semen
Age, diet and frequency of ejaculation affect color and consistency of semen. According to ayurveda when semen gets affected by tridoshas its color and consistency changes . Usually Vata, pitta, Kapha and rakta affect semen. When semen gets vitiated by these four factors, it loses its ability to fertilize egg.
Blue, dark grey colored semen: According to ayurveda these colors appear when semen gets vitiated due to vata. Usually the colors vanish when vata gets balanced and degree of vitiation comes down.
Red streaks in semen: This happens when there is a minute internal bleeding in prostate. This usually gets cleared within few days. If it does not, you may have to approach family doctor.
Yellow, brown colored semen: Ayurveda acharyas have mentioned that yellow or brown colored semen gets ejaculated when semen gets vitiated due to pitta dosha. Herbs which normalize pitta are administered in this condition.
Thick white semen with clumps: When semen gets vitiated by kapha it looks white and clumped. Kapha normalizing herbs help to bring back this condition to normal
Yellowish green/ green colored semen: Ejaculated semen gets this color when there is an infection in male reproductive system. According to Ayurveda principles these colors appear, when semen gets vitiated due to all four doshas and needs a long duration of treatment.
Ayurveda recommends Vajikarana therapy which helps to keep the male reproductive system healthy. This therapy normalizes vitiation of doshas and boosts immunity of male reproductive system. But a strict diet and lifestyle have to be followed while using these preparations.
Blue, dark grey colored semen: According to ayurveda these colors appear when semen gets vitiated due to vata. Usually the colors vanish when vata gets balanced and degree of vitiation comes down.
Red streaks in semen: This happens when there is a minute internal bleeding in prostate. This usually gets cleared within few days. If it does not, you may have to approach family doctor.
Yellow, brown colored semen: Ayurveda acharyas have mentioned that yellow or brown colored semen gets ejaculated when semen gets vitiated due to pitta dosha. Herbs which normalize pitta are administered in this condition.
Thick white semen with clumps: When semen gets vitiated by kapha it looks white and clumped. Kapha normalizing herbs help to bring back this condition to normal
Yellowish green/ green colored semen: Ejaculated semen gets this color when there is an infection in male reproductive system. According to Ayurveda principles these colors appear, when semen gets vitiated due to all four doshas and needs a long duration of treatment.
Ayurveda recommends Vajikarana therapy which helps to keep the male reproductive system healthy. This therapy normalizes vitiation of doshas and boosts immunity of male reproductive system. But a strict diet and lifestyle have to be followed while using these preparations.
Vajikarana therapy
Monday, May 10, 2010
Composition of semen
The semen which is ejaculated during intercourse is mainly made up of sperm cells or spermatozoa and seminal plasma. Seminal plasma is the fluid portion of semen. The
spermatozoa produced in testes are released through seminiferous tubules. The seminal plasma is produced by seminal vesicles (60% of the seminal fluid is produced by seminal
vesicles), prostate gland and bulbourethral gland (bulbourethral glands produce mucous in small amount by which semen becomes slippery).. The semen is viscous in texture.
Seminal fluid contains sugars, lipids, enzymes, steroid hormones, amino acids etc. It nourishes sperms and also protects them during their journey in Vaginal canal. The sperm cells derive energy from simple sugar fructose present in seminal fluid. Vaginal canal has acidic secretions and immune cells which may destroy sperms. Seminal fluid guards sperms from these and help them to swim through.
According to ayurveda the semen is defined as follows.
“shukram shuklam guru snighdam madhuram bahalam bahu| ghritamaakshikatailabham sadgarbhaya ||”
This means the semen (shukra )which is grayish white , heavy , sticky ,sweet and more in quantity is always fertile. This fertile semen may have the shades of ghee, honey or oil.
spermatozoa produced in testes are released through seminiferous tubules. The seminal plasma is produced by seminal vesicles (60% of the seminal fluid is produced by seminal
vesicles), prostate gland and bulbourethral gland (bulbourethral glands produce mucous in small amount by which semen becomes slippery).. The semen is viscous in texture.
Seminal fluid contains sugars, lipids, enzymes, steroid hormones, amino acids etc. It nourishes sperms and also protects them during their journey in Vaginal canal. The sperm cells derive energy from simple sugar fructose present in seminal fluid. Vaginal canal has acidic secretions and immune cells which may destroy sperms. Seminal fluid guards sperms from these and help them to swim through.
According to ayurveda the semen is defined as follows.
“shukram shuklam guru snighdam madhuram bahalam bahu| ghritamaakshikatailabham sadgarbhaya ||”
This means the semen (shukra )which is grayish white , heavy , sticky ,sweet and more in quantity is always fertile. This fertile semen may have the shades of ghee, honey or oil.
seminal fluid,
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Health Benifits of Safed Musli
According to principles of ayurveda safed musli is heavy, unctuous, sweet to taste and has cooling property. Its action on tridoshas is based on these properties. It alleviates vata by virtue of its qualities like heaviness and unctuousness. Musli normalizes pitta due to its properties like heaviness, cold and sweet taste. Hence it is very useful in diseases which involve aggravation of vata and pitta.
Shukra dhatu or semen is made up of Jala (water) and prithvi (earth) mahabhutas . Unctuous, heaviness and cold properties of safed musli increase jaladhatu and prithvidhatu. These properties in turn increase volume of semen, sperm count and sperm motility. Principles of ayurveda mention that increase in quality of shukra dhatu helps to increase potency of men. Regular consumption of this herb helps in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and revitalization of male reproductive system.
Musli helps to increase muscle bulk and is a boon to body builders. It facilitates a quick recovery in recuperating persons. Lactating mothers are more benefited by this. Safed musli helps in rejuvenation of liver in jaundice patients. Researches have shown that this herb has anti-inflammatory and anti diabetic properties .Hence it is used in arthritis and diabetes.
Shukra dhatu or semen is made up of Jala (water) and prithvi (earth) mahabhutas . Unctuous, heaviness and cold properties of safed musli increase jaladhatu and prithvidhatu. These properties in turn increase volume of semen, sperm count and sperm motility. Principles of ayurveda mention that increase in quality of shukra dhatu helps to increase potency of men. Regular consumption of this herb helps in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and revitalization of male reproductive system.
Musli helps to increase muscle bulk and is a boon to body builders. It facilitates a quick recovery in recuperating persons. Lactating mothers are more benefited by this. Safed musli helps in rejuvenation of liver in jaundice patients. Researches have shown that this herb has anti-inflammatory and anti diabetic properties .Hence it is used in arthritis and diabetes.
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
The Effects of Smoking Cigarettes on Male Fertility
If you and your partner are having trouble getting pregnant and you think that you may be causing the issue, the first thing you should consider, if you are a smoker, is how smoking cigarettes can affect not only your overall well being, but also your fertility health.
1. Smoking can cause damage to a man's sperm. Researchers believe this is caused by the tobacco's damage on the seminal plasma, which is a liquid rich in nutrients that is found in a male's semen. Not only does smoking cigarettes do damage to the smoker's fertility, but it will also increase the chance that a male conceived by a smoker will have a decreased fertility level. Additionally, it is believed that a smoker that conceives may pass on certain genetic mutations to the baby. This sperm damage continues to increase the longer you continue to smoke.
2. Smoking cigarettes has been shown to decrease sperm count. One of the main factors that results in a low sperm count is the fact that the smoker's body cannot retain the needed levels of the nutrients zinc, vitamin E, and B12, which are all essential to a healthy reproductive system. It is a fact that smoking will inhibit the body's ability to absorb these essential vitamins and minerals which could result in hormonal imbalance issues. Men who smoke could have up to a 15% lower sperm count than that of men who don't smoke. Sperm count has actually been greatly reduced all over the globe as a result of smoking.
3. A sperm's motility is also affected by smoking. The motility of a sperm is the ability of the sperm to swim fast and in the right direction in order to find and fertilize the egg. The sperm of men who smoke will have poor motility, meaning they will be less likely to get to or even find the egg to fertilize.
4. Smoking cigarettes has also been shown to affect a man's ability to maintain his erection. An erection occurs when the blood flows to the penis and creates muscle pressure that causes it to expand. Anything that interferes with this blood flow, which includes smoking, can potentially cause impotence. Most people have heard that smoking can cause a break down in the small blood vessels that deliver blood to the penis. If the blood is not able to flow to the penis freely, than an erection is harder to achieve, as well as, maintain. Therefore, it is essential that these small blood vessels are kept healthy because if the man is unable to achieve an erection than conception cannot take place.
Read complete article by Katy anderson @
1. Smoking can cause damage to a man's sperm. Researchers believe this is caused by the tobacco's damage on the seminal plasma, which is a liquid rich in nutrients that is found in a male's semen. Not only does smoking cigarettes do damage to the smoker's fertility, but it will also increase the chance that a male conceived by a smoker will have a decreased fertility level. Additionally, it is believed that a smoker that conceives may pass on certain genetic mutations to the baby. This sperm damage continues to increase the longer you continue to smoke.
2. Smoking cigarettes has been shown to decrease sperm count. One of the main factors that results in a low sperm count is the fact that the smoker's body cannot retain the needed levels of the nutrients zinc, vitamin E, and B12, which are all essential to a healthy reproductive system. It is a fact that smoking will inhibit the body's ability to absorb these essential vitamins and minerals which could result in hormonal imbalance issues. Men who smoke could have up to a 15% lower sperm count than that of men who don't smoke. Sperm count has actually been greatly reduced all over the globe as a result of smoking.
3. A sperm's motility is also affected by smoking. The motility of a sperm is the ability of the sperm to swim fast and in the right direction in order to find and fertilize the egg. The sperm of men who smoke will have poor motility, meaning they will be less likely to get to or even find the egg to fertilize.
4. Smoking cigarettes has also been shown to affect a man's ability to maintain his erection. An erection occurs when the blood flows to the penis and creates muscle pressure that causes it to expand. Anything that interferes with this blood flow, which includes smoking, can potentially cause impotence. Most people have heard that smoking can cause a break down in the small blood vessels that deliver blood to the penis. If the blood is not able to flow to the penis freely, than an erection is harder to achieve, as well as, maintain. Therefore, it is essential that these small blood vessels are kept healthy because if the man is unable to achieve an erection than conception cannot take place.
Read complete article by Katy anderson @
affect erection,
low motility,
low sperm count,
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Causes Of Male Infertility
One of the painful realities that occasionally confront married couples is their inability to bear children. This may come as a shock to couples who have long postponed child-bearing and have worked hard to realize their dreams - only to find later that one of them is infertile.
While infertility may be blamed on women, the problem can also be due to the low sperm count of men. But unlike sterility, which is a permanent condition, a low sperm count can be corrected and with time and patience, a couple can have children.
Sperm production can be interrupted by anything from emotional stress to too much alcohol. The man may worry a lot about his inability to have children without realizing that this can contribute to his infertility.
The prospect of being infertile can certainly be degrading to some men, but it should not give them something to brood about nor make them ashamed of their condition. Remember that infertility is only a temporary condition that can happen to any¬one given the following circumstances we will discuss below. So there's no point worrying but much can be gained if you seek professional help.
Since sperm is affected by temperature, its production can be hindered by tight underwear. Healthy sperm thrive below body temperature, precisely why the testes (that manufacture sperm) are protected by the scrotum that hangs behind the penis.
The scrotum has a temperature slightly lower than the rest of the body. To maintain this, it contracts and appears smaller on cold days and expands in hot or ordinary weather.
Any change in temperature may damage sperm or affect its motility - its ability to move fast and reach the female egg cell inside the uterus. The same goes for tight underwear or pants that may be fashionable yet are partly to be blamed for infertility. Men who take a hot bath before sex or work near ovens are likely to experience the same fate.
Urinary infections, mumps, venereal disease and other illnesses characterized by high fever are other factors that affect fertility. Decreased motility also follows old age starting in the mid 20s. So the longer a couple postpones marriage and childbearing, the harder it will be for them to have children later.
A check with a urologist may confirm whether hormonal imbalance is responsible for low sperm count. The thyroid and pituitary glands should be examined to determine whether they are doing their share in sperm production
Frequent intercourse can also make a man infertile. Healthy sperm are usually found in the first ejaculation. Semen should be at least four cubic centimeters and contain 20 million sperm.
This is the minimum number of sperm required to make fertilization possible. Too much sex can deplete the supply of sperm faster than it is replaced. It takes at least 40 hours for sperm to reach normal levels and succeeding ejaculations will contain fewer and sluggish sperm that can't reach the female egg cell.
Read complete article by Sharon A Bell at
While infertility may be blamed on women, the problem can also be due to the low sperm count of men. But unlike sterility, which is a permanent condition, a low sperm count can be corrected and with time and patience, a couple can have children.
Sperm production can be interrupted by anything from emotional stress to too much alcohol. The man may worry a lot about his inability to have children without realizing that this can contribute to his infertility.
The prospect of being infertile can certainly be degrading to some men, but it should not give them something to brood about nor make them ashamed of their condition. Remember that infertility is only a temporary condition that can happen to any¬one given the following circumstances we will discuss below. So there's no point worrying but much can be gained if you seek professional help.
Since sperm is affected by temperature, its production can be hindered by tight underwear. Healthy sperm thrive below body temperature, precisely why the testes (that manufacture sperm) are protected by the scrotum that hangs behind the penis.
The scrotum has a temperature slightly lower than the rest of the body. To maintain this, it contracts and appears smaller on cold days and expands in hot or ordinary weather.
Any change in temperature may damage sperm or affect its motility - its ability to move fast and reach the female egg cell inside the uterus. The same goes for tight underwear or pants that may be fashionable yet are partly to be blamed for infertility. Men who take a hot bath before sex or work near ovens are likely to experience the same fate.
Urinary infections, mumps, venereal disease and other illnesses characterized by high fever are other factors that affect fertility. Decreased motility also follows old age starting in the mid 20s. So the longer a couple postpones marriage and childbearing, the harder it will be for them to have children later.
A check with a urologist may confirm whether hormonal imbalance is responsible for low sperm count. The thyroid and pituitary glands should be examined to determine whether they are doing their share in sperm production
Frequent intercourse can also make a man infertile. Healthy sperm are usually found in the first ejaculation. Semen should be at least four cubic centimeters and contain 20 million sperm.
This is the minimum number of sperm required to make fertilization possible. Too much sex can deplete the supply of sperm faster than it is replaced. It takes at least 40 hours for sperm to reach normal levels and succeeding ejaculations will contain fewer and sluggish sperm that can't reach the female egg cell.
Read complete article by Sharon A Bell at
low sperm count,
low sperm motility,
male infertility,
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Tips to keep lungs healthy
1. Quit smoking and avoid persons who smoke.
2. Consume adequate nutritious food. This boosts the body immunity and lungs develop resistance to diseases
3. Exercise regularly for 45 minutes. This increases capacity of lungs.
4. Practice pranayam daily for 20 minutes.
5. Avoid weight gain and check obesity.
6. Keep your home free of dust.
7. Take deep breaths when you are sitting in office, bus or train. Deep breathing exercises detoxify your lungs.
8. Immunize your kids at right time.
9. Drink plenty of water.
10. Add honey to your diet. This keeps lungs free of infections.
2. Consume adequate nutritious food. This boosts the body immunity and lungs develop resistance to diseases
3. Exercise regularly for 45 minutes. This increases capacity of lungs.
4. Practice pranayam daily for 20 minutes.
5. Avoid weight gain and check obesity.
6. Keep your home free of dust.
7. Take deep breaths when you are sitting in office, bus or train. Deep breathing exercises detoxify your lungs.
8. Immunize your kids at right time.
9. Drink plenty of water.
10. Add honey to your diet. This keeps lungs free of infections.
Lung Exercise - Increase Your Respiratory Health
If you are looking for a great way to keep your lungs clean, you should try a lung exercise. This is will aid you in breathing better and just feeling better in general. When you can breathe easily you can better do the things you enjoy in life, and you'll be more confident when doing them.
One great exercise for lung, that you may want to consider include are breathing exercises. When you practice your breathing by focusing on it, you are much more likely to enjoy healthier and cleaner lungs as a result of your lung exercise.
The way to lung fitness involves exercising them, and there are many great ways for you to do this through cardiovascular exercise. By working out and strengthen your body you are also doing exercises for your lungs.
Are you aware that exercises increase lung function? If you jog, or walk briskly this is considered a lung exercise and can dramatically increase the functions of your lungs by allowing them to be stronger and cleaner than they may have ever been otherwise.
By doing a lung exercise every day or at least three times a week, you can drastically improve the quality of you life as well as your health. Being able to breathe better is a one of the best reasons to do so, and can really allow you to enjoy your life better too.
If you intend to live a long, healthy life, you'll need to have clean and healthy lungs to do so. There is no better way that can allow you the most stamina or endurance other than this, so you can see the importance of maintaining a lung exercise on a regular basis.
Now, that you have some important information on how to help your lungs stay healthy and strong through lung exercise, you may want to also consider another way to keep you body strong and you lungs clean. If you smoke, you must quit smoking to keep your lungs as strong as they can be. It's imperative to your health.
When you smoke, you're inviting thousands of cancerous toxins into your body and this can destroy all the good you may have done with your lung exercise. It's not easy to quit smoking but it's imperative to have good health and clean lungs.
By utilizing a lung exercise, coupled with a quit smoking program, you can the best lungs that you possibly can. This will allow you to have a high quality and hopefully a very long life as well.
Read complete article by Edgar Swanson at
One great exercise for lung, that you may want to consider include are breathing exercises. When you practice your breathing by focusing on it, you are much more likely to enjoy healthier and cleaner lungs as a result of your lung exercise.
The way to lung fitness involves exercising them, and there are many great ways for you to do this through cardiovascular exercise. By working out and strengthen your body you are also doing exercises for your lungs.
Are you aware that exercises increase lung function? If you jog, or walk briskly this is considered a lung exercise and can dramatically increase the functions of your lungs by allowing them to be stronger and cleaner than they may have ever been otherwise.
By doing a lung exercise every day or at least three times a week, you can drastically improve the quality of you life as well as your health. Being able to breathe better is a one of the best reasons to do so, and can really allow you to enjoy your life better too.
If you intend to live a long, healthy life, you'll need to have clean and healthy lungs to do so. There is no better way that can allow you the most stamina or endurance other than this, so you can see the importance of maintaining a lung exercise on a regular basis.
Now, that you have some important information on how to help your lungs stay healthy and strong through lung exercise, you may want to also consider another way to keep you body strong and you lungs clean. If you smoke, you must quit smoking to keep your lungs as strong as they can be. It's imperative to your health.
When you smoke, you're inviting thousands of cancerous toxins into your body and this can destroy all the good you may have done with your lung exercise. It's not easy to quit smoking but it's imperative to have good health and clean lungs.
By utilizing a lung exercise, coupled with a quit smoking program, you can the best lungs that you possibly can. This will allow you to have a high quality and hopefully a very long life as well.
Read complete article by Edgar Swanson at
breathing exercise,
quit smoking,
Thursday, January 21, 2010
10 Healthy Liver Foods - Things You Can Eat That Protect Your Liver
Liver ailments are very common in developed countries and up to 30% of the population of those countries suffers from what is known as steatosis, or fatty liver, an underdiagnosed condition that causes rashes, tiredness, obesity, diabetes, puffy eyes...
But here are the top 10 healthy liver foods you can eat to get out of that group:
Ginger - you can find fresh ginger, pickled ginger, and dried ginger. They are all a great addition, though some people dislike it's strong fresh. minty, and spicy flavor. Start with small amounts and find out what's perfect for you.
Turmeric - another liver protecting condiment, turmeric is often used in India and other countries to make things yellow. It has a very subtle taste and some people even claim it has no taste at all. A favorite of mine is adding turmeric to plain rice while it cooks.
Green Leafy Vegetables - every vegetable will protect your liver, but leafy vegetables have been shown to be especially protective. People who live in areas where leafy vegetables are consumed in larger amounts have less liver disease, while people who live in countries that consume few of these are plagued with fatty liver. As a rule of thumb, half your plate should be filled with greenies.
Fruit - fruit's fiber, vitamins and yet to be clearly understood enzymes help digestion and reduce the incoming toxic substances your liver has to deal with.
Vegetable and Fruit Juices - these combine the benefits of fruit, vegetables, and raw food (see next). Some people go on a one week or one month juice-only diet and have completely reversed serious liver disease. In fact, some people were diagnosed with untreatable terminal liver disease and have reversed it using this diet!
Raw Food - the heat used in cooking destroys the enzymes naturally found in food. These enzymes usually help digest the food and without them digestion hinders. One of the best ways to eat more raw food is eating fruit and juices.
Artichoke - look beyond its weird look, artichoke is one of the healthiest foods out there and can be delicious.
Whole Grains - the whole here is key. Whole grains have protein and, more importantly, fiber.
Soy Products - soy and its derivates (soy milk, tofu, tempeh...) have been shown to reduce inflammation and reverse and prevent cancer. Since what is going on in your liver is an inflammatory process which sometimes lead to cancer, soy will be a great addition to our diet.
Water - I'm not sure if this is a food or not. But it doesn't matter. Your cells, including your liver's, need this to work, so make sure you drink plenty.
Do Even More For Your Liver
Eating the right food is not the only thing you should be doing. The way you eat it, what you don't eat, some supplements, exercise, and even small periods of detoxing are key to protecting your health and reversing disease.
Read complete article by Miguel Oliveira at
But here are the top 10 healthy liver foods you can eat to get out of that group:
Ginger - you can find fresh ginger, pickled ginger, and dried ginger. They are all a great addition, though some people dislike it's strong fresh. minty, and spicy flavor. Start with small amounts and find out what's perfect for you.
Turmeric - another liver protecting condiment, turmeric is often used in India and other countries to make things yellow. It has a very subtle taste and some people even claim it has no taste at all. A favorite of mine is adding turmeric to plain rice while it cooks.
Green Leafy Vegetables - every vegetable will protect your liver, but leafy vegetables have been shown to be especially protective. People who live in areas where leafy vegetables are consumed in larger amounts have less liver disease, while people who live in countries that consume few of these are plagued with fatty liver. As a rule of thumb, half your plate should be filled with greenies.
Fruit - fruit's fiber, vitamins and yet to be clearly understood enzymes help digestion and reduce the incoming toxic substances your liver has to deal with.
Vegetable and Fruit Juices - these combine the benefits of fruit, vegetables, and raw food (see next). Some people go on a one week or one month juice-only diet and have completely reversed serious liver disease. In fact, some people were diagnosed with untreatable terminal liver disease and have reversed it using this diet!
Raw Food - the heat used in cooking destroys the enzymes naturally found in food. These enzymes usually help digest the food and without them digestion hinders. One of the best ways to eat more raw food is eating fruit and juices.
Artichoke - look beyond its weird look, artichoke is one of the healthiest foods out there and can be delicious.
Whole Grains - the whole here is key. Whole grains have protein and, more importantly, fiber.
Soy Products - soy and its derivates (soy milk, tofu, tempeh...) have been shown to reduce inflammation and reverse and prevent cancer. Since what is going on in your liver is an inflammatory process which sometimes lead to cancer, soy will be a great addition to our diet.
Water - I'm not sure if this is a food or not. But it doesn't matter. Your cells, including your liver's, need this to work, so make sure you drink plenty.
Do Even More For Your Liver
Eating the right food is not the only thing you should be doing. The way you eat it, what you don't eat, some supplements, exercise, and even small periods of detoxing are key to protecting your health and reversing disease.
Read complete article by Miguel Oliveira at
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