Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Diabetes and low sperm count

Recent researches have shown that men with diabetes have low sperm count. Uncontrolled blood sugar level and fluctuating blood sugar levels lead to low sperm count.

According to principles of ayurveda - Rasa (lymph), medas (body fat), rakta (blood), shukra ambu (body fluid) get vitiated by tridoshas (vata ,pitta ,kapha) to cause prameha or diabetes. In this condition the seven dhatus which nourish our body reduce in quality due to affliction of tridoshas. The seventh dhatu “Shukra dhatu” or semen gets affected in this process. As a result sperm count and sperm motility reduce.

The shukra dhatu or semen gets its nourishment through rasa dhatu. In diabetes rasa dhatu gets vitiated through doshas. Due to this the nourishment to shukra dhatu decreases. This affects the beejaanu or sperms

A new article has been published at which goes as follows

Diabetes sufferers have lower sperm count

"Men with diabetes stand a lower chance of conceiving a baby, a new study has fou"

Men with diabetes stand a lower chance of conceiving a baby, a new study has found.

Published in the Human Reproduction journal, the research shows that semen volume is lower in diabetic men compared with non-diabetic men and that the nuclear DNA in diabetic men's sperm cells is more fragmented.

Furthermore, there were more mitochondrial deletions – meaning a loss in the 'power stations' inside cells that fuel cell activity – in those with the disease.

Dr Ishola Agbaje of Belfast University who carried out the research, said: "Our study identifies important evidence of increased DNA fragmentation of nuclear DNA and mitochondrial DNA deletions in sperm from diabetic men.

"These findings cause concern, as they may have implications for fertility," he added.

"If the increasing trend in the incidence of type I diabetes continues, this will result in a 50 per cent increase over the next ten years.

"As a consequence, diabetes will affect many more men prior to and during their reproductive years.

"Infertility is already a major health problem in both the developed and developing world, with up to one in six couples requiring specialist investigation or treatment in order to conceive."

Read complete article @