Thursday, June 28, 2012

Garlic Will Improve Your Health, Heart And Erections

Belonging to the same family as the onion this amazing little herb packs an almighty wallop when it comes to the array of health benefits. The most notable compound found in garlic is Allicin which although does not naturally occur in garlic, helps to improve your immune system, acts as an antiviral along with a host of other benefits. Only once garlic is finely chopped or crushed is Allicin produced, and the finer the chopping the more that is produced. Allicin starts to degrade quickly so make sure to eat your chopped or crushed garlic (raw) as soon as possible so as to ensure you are getting the full benefit. It can either be eaten raw or sprinkled over (or into) your favourite foods.

Modern doctors will not usually prescribe garlic for a range of ailments due to their study backgrounds being predominantly in pharmaceuticals; however, herbal practitioners are consistently singing the praises of natures little wonder herb, garlic. And so should you.

Garlic and Impotence  "For most men erectile dysfunction is physiological and not psychological. In order to maintain an erection the arteries need to have an efficient blood flow. Erectile dysfunction indicates a hardening of the arteries, which means it could be an early biomarker of impending cardiovascular disease." Source: BBC

Amazingly, garlic has been proven by medical researchers to stimulate the production of an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase (NOS), and particularly in individuals who have less than healthy levels of this enzyme. NOS is the enzyme which is primarily responsible for the mechanism of an erection.

The Health Properties of Garlic  Take a look at the following health benefits that can be found in garlic:

  Used effectively for the treatment of high blood pressure
 Stimulates a healthy operation of the kidneys and is a natural diuretic in nature
 Effective blood purifier
 Used as an expectorant (i.e. swap your cough syrup for a clove of garlic)
 Helps to heal fractured bones
 Contains allicin which has antiviral, antioxidant and antifungal and germicidal effects
 Improves erectile dysfunction
 Reduces blood cholesterol
 Ability to dissolve blood clots       

Nutritional Information for Garlic  Per average size clove (0.1 oz)
 Total Fat = 0g
 Cholesterol = 0mg
 Sodium = 1mg
 Total Carbs = 1g
 Dietary Fiber = 0.1g
 Sugars = 0g
 Protein = 0.2g
 Calcium = 5.4mg
 Potassium = 12mg


Well there you have it, eating just a few cloves of raw garlic will significantly improve your health (and your love life), however consult your doctor before hand, as the intake of raw garlic may irritate those with stomach and / or throat conditions. Where possible try and have raw and fresh garlic over supplements, capsules or oils, as this ensures you are getting the full potency from garlic and can then enjoy the inherent benefits.

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8 Remarkable Facts About Cholesterol Levels

Most people, when they think of cholesterol levels, picture fatty foods, plaque coated artery walls and heart disease. But there are more than a few things about this waxy substance that might surprise you.

1. Sky high cholesterol may be partly due to genetics – for some families it’s inevitable that LDL (bad) cholesterol will be in the unhealthy zone. Known technically as familial hypercholesterolemia, it’s an issue for 1 in 500 of us and increase the risk for early heart attack. Some who inherit defective genes from each parent (much rarer, affecting 1 in 1,000,000) can have total cholesterol numbers over 1000 mg/dL. Numbers this high can signal early death, often before 20 years old.

2. Clogged arteries look like butter – LDL (bad) cholesterol slowly builds up on artery walls, leaving a thick plaque that narrows arteries, restricts blood flow and can lead to blood clots. Once arteries start to thicken and become rigid, they take on the yellow color of cholesterol, leaving them looking as though they are lined with a layer of frozen butter.

3. You can see high cholesterol on your skin – look for reddish-yellowish bumps on your skin surface, known to medicine as xanthomas, that vary in size and can show up all over the body including your eyelids, joints and hands. Often they appear in older folks or those with diabetes or other health issues.

4. Your total cholesterol number can be too low – and at these levels, just as unhealthy as high cholesterol. While your total cholesterol number should be under 200 mg/dL; numbers below 160 mg/dL are associated with health risks like cancer. Experts still cannot say if the health problems cause the low cholesterol or vice versa. Some work has also found that pregnant women with low total cholesterol are more apt to give birth prematurely. Low total cholesterol, as well as LDL levels have each been linked to anxiety and depression.

5. Our total cholesterol numbers are dropping – unlike the obesity epidemic, total cholesterol numbers have gone down over the last few years. And while elevated cholesterol wasn’t recognized as a serious health problem 50 years ago, the numbers are dropping now mostly because more of us are aware of the dangers – we’re screened more, there are healthier dietary options available and the widespread use of statin drugs all combine to keep those numbers in check.

6. Exercise boosts good cholesterol – just one of the many good things regular exercise can do, a recent study in the Journal of Lipid Research suggests that those workouts might affect cholesterol differently depending on the race and gender of the patient. In each of the groups the researchers studied, physical activity equal to an extra hour of mild exercise or a half hour of moderate exercise per week, was linked to an increase in HDL (good) cholesterol. The bad (LDL) cholesterol dropped only in women, and total cholesterol dropped only in African-American women.

7. Cholesterol free food can still raise cholesterol – only in animal based foods like milk, eggs and meat, even though you’ll see foods that can honestly say they are “cholesterol free”, that doesn’t mean they’re exactly good for your cholesterol levels. Fried foods and baked goods are loaded with trans fats (partially hydrogenated vegetable oils) and these, along with saturated fats, are the biggest causes of getting high cholesterol from food – yet they aren’t listed as cholesterol on any package. Read labels with care, looking for fat as well as cholesterol content before deciding if a food is a healthy option.

8. High cholesterol can cause erectile dysfunction (ED) – high cholesterol numbers have been linked to a higher risk of erectile dysfunction, kidney failure and even Alzheimer’s disease. A 2009 study found that diets high in cholesterol brought an increased risk of developing cirrhosis of the live or liver cancer. A Swedish study from 2005 suggests that men with total cholesterol of around 270 mg/dL and over were 4.5 times more likely to develop testicular cancer than men with total cholesterol numbers of 220 mg/dL or below.

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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Increased Blood Cholesterol and Erectile Dysfunction

The human arteries contain a thin delicate inner lining called endothelium. A healthy endothelium is necessary to get good erections. Endothelium uses nitric oxide to send signals to surrounding muscles. Upon receiving the signals from endothelium the muscles surrounding the arteries relax and blood rushes into arteries. The same process happens in arteries of penis to cause hard erections. Hence healthy arteries are required for healthy erections.

When the cholesterol level increases in blood, the excess cholesterol gets accumulated on the inner walls of arteries, as hard plaques. This narrows the lumen of arteries.(Diameter of the arteries reduces. ). Due to reduced diameter, the blood flow through arteries also gets reduced. Increased blood cholesterol also affects the release of nitric oxide. This prevents the relaxation of penile tissues and troubles the process of erection.

Erectile dysfunction may be an early symptom for increased blood cholesterol level. The risk of Erectile dysfunction is nearly two times greater in men with total cholesterol levels above 240 than in men with total cholesterol levels below 180 . In men erectile dysfunction may be an early symptom of high cholesterol. Adults should get their blood cholesterol level checked frequently.

Read complete article at Increased blood Cholesterol and Erectile Dysfunction

Monday, June 18, 2012

7 Cholesterol Facts That Might Surprise You

Do you think you already know everything you need to know about cholesterol? Think again. Here are some cholesterol facts, which you might find very surprising.

Cholesterol is widely talked about today. Not only because of the exponentially increasing numbers of heart conditions, but because more and more people today are changing their ways to lead healthier lifestyles. Here are some cholesterol facts that might just make a big difference to your journey back to health.

1. Cholesterol is not entirely bad.

Not all cholesterol is bad for the health. In fact, the body needs sufficient amounts of cholesterol as it serves as a building block of certain hormones and enzymes (the sex hormones testosterone being one of them).

The body is capable of producing its own cholesterol in the liver, but at amounts not adequate to supply the body's need. This explains why we need dietary sources of cholesterol.

However, most diets contain too much bad low density cholesterols (LDLs) - too much for the body to handle. High cholesterol levels in the blood stream can contribute to the build-up of plaque along arterial walls, which may lead to heart diseases.

2. Cholesterol levels that are too low can be bad for your health.

As explained previously, your body needs adequate amounts of cholesterol for proper functioning. Low total cholesterol (levels less than 160 milligram per deciliter) can lead to health problems, sometimes even including cancer.

3. Plant sources contain no cholesterol.

Cholesterol can only be found in animal sources, as cholesterol can be synthesized only in the liver. Plants are unable to produce cholesterol, so commercially available vegetable oils which claim "no cholesterol" is simply stating the obvious.

4. Cholesterol-free foods can still increase cholesterol levels.

If a food has no cholesterol that doesn't mean there are no unhealthy Trans and saturated fats, which can raise your cholesterol levels. Fats are the main culprits of increasing dietary cholesterol. Make sure to read the labels and look at fat content as well.

5. Exercise raises good cholesterol levels.

This may not be entirely surprising for some, as we all know how exercise is important for good health. Good cholesterols are those that prevent the build-up of plaque and fat deposits onto the arterial walls. High levels of good HDL cholesterols are ideal. Exercise and physical activity can increase levels of good cholesterol and can thus help counter heart disease.

6. High cholesterol may be inevitable for some.

For some unfortunate patients, high cholesterol levels are partly caused by genetics. Familial hypercholesterolemia, the condition where total cholesterol levels are high despite a healthy lifestyle, is believed to affect 1 in every 500 people. Such conditions can be fatal, and many patients can die at a young age. This is one reason it is important to have your cholesterol tested at an early age.

7. High cholesterol can affect you in other ways.

High cholesterol will not only cause heart disease, but can cause other health problems as well. High cholesterol can be linked to increased risk of kidney failure, liver cirrhosis, erectile dysfunction, even Alzheimer's disease and certain cancers.

By learning these cholesterol facts, you also realize that there is much to know about cholesterol. Gaining a greater understanding of cholesterol and how it affects the body is a big leap towards leading a healthier lifestyle.

Many people who are concerned about supporting the health of their veins and heart have turned to fish oil caplets as a daily health food supplement routine on the advice of their doctor or naturopath. Ask your health professional about how fish oil might be right for you.

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Weight Watching and Erectile Dysfunction

Can those love handles be a cause in your temporary erectile dysfunction? Are you eating the right foods and doing the correct exercises to prevent ED? Men who exercise 3-5 hours a week have 30% less risk of having erectile dysfunction according to The Harvard Health Professionals Follow-up Study (HPFS). This is good news men so if you aren't watching your weight or doing form of exercise now is the time to get yourself up and moving. The study of over 31,000 men who did not have prostate cancer, aged 53-90, is significant. Thirty-three percent of the men reported having erectile dysfunction in the previous three months. The study showed that regular exercise can mean 10 more years free of erectile dysfunction for the average man. Prior studies found exercise to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, treatment for which can also result in erectile dysfunction.

While exercise is important to keep fit, let start with the basics first...your diet. Is there an ideal diet for men concerned about preventing, improving or even reversing erectile dysfunction. Does such a diet exist? The answer is a categorical YES! Many studies show that a vegetarian regimen, accompanied by moderate exercise, can be the cure so many men are desperately seeking. According to the National Kidney and Urologic Diseases: Erectile dysfunction, sometimes called 'impotence,' is the repeated inability to get or keep an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. There are many causes of erectile dysfunction and impotence. The physical causes include damage to nerves, arteries, muscles, and tissues responsible for an erection. However, 70% of ED is caused by diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, chronic alcoholism, atherosclerosis, vascular disease, and neurologic disease.

Erectile dysfunction occurs when blood flow into the penis is blocked or severely limited. This results in a failure to achieve an erection. The cause of this circulatory slowdown, or lack of blood flow, is atherosclerosis, a hardening of the arteries. Hardening of the arteries may occur when cholesterol originating from the foods we eat, "sticks" to the interior walls of the blood vessels, and creates a hard layer of plaque, thus obstructing normal healthy circulation. A lifestyle rich in a diet of meat and dairy foods, will very likely result in high cholesterol levels, thus causing blockage, and ultimately for men, erectile dysfunction.

Vegetarians, on the other hand, have an average cholesterol level 23 percent lower than non vegetarians. Vegans, who in addition to being vegetarians, eat neither dairy nor eggs, have an average cholesterol level 37 percent lower than the general population. A low-fat vegetarian diet is the best way to begin the cleanup of your arteries and thereby the ideal diet for erectile dysfunction.

According to the National Institutes of Health, erectile dysfunction is also a symptom in many disorders and diseases. Direct risk factors for erectile dysfunction may include the following: Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, prostate problems, depression, alcohol, high cholesterol, and smoking. Being overweight or even obese leads to diabetes, which can cause nerve and artery damage in the genital area, disrupting the blood flow necessary for an erection. You should also keep in mind that a diet rich in meat may expose a man to many of the synthetic hormones that are used in meat production. This could cause a man's testosterone levels to plummet. It is estimated that only about 2 percent of American vegans are clinically obese compared to 18 percent of meat eating Americans. Keep in mind that the benefits derived from shifting over to a vegetarian diet for erectile dysfunction are more even better realized when a person also adopts a program of moderate exercise at the same time.

Being vegetarian may not be easy for you, however, if you add more fruits, vegetables and fiber to your diet you will improve your overall health. Try incorporating the following into your everyday diet. Limit and meat or dairy products to low fat alternatives like skim milk or turkey, eliminate red meat. FRUIT - 3 or more servings a day LEGUMES - 2 or more servings a day WHOLE GRAINS - 5 or more servings a day VEGETABLES - 4 or more servings a day Besides inactivity, other risk factors that men can change include obesity and smoking. Men can greatly reduce their risk of erectile dysfunction by regular cardiovascular exercise, losing weight, and not smoking.

Despite your best diet and exercise efforts some men may require some assistance in treating ED before their new improved diet and lifestyle kicks in. Treating ED with a natural remedy is the best course of action. 

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Sunday, June 17, 2012

Garlic Can Lower Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a concern for everyone today. It is a leading factor in many diseases. High Cholesterol has been linked to Heart Disease. It is a major concern for anyone who has a family history of Heart problems. In addition to Heart Disease, high cholesterol is a problem for other ailments. Organ damage and other severe damage can be the result of high blood pressure, and high blood pressure can sometimes be associated with High Cholesterol even thought it is not always.

Most chemical treatments have possible side effects. This is a reason why many people decide to go with an alternative method. Garlic is one method. It has the ability to both lower blood pressure and cholesterol without the side effects commonly found in prescription drugs. The typical drug treatment is called a statin.

Studies have found garlic to be most effective in raising LDL cholesterol and lowering triglycerides. The studies have not found garlic to be as effective in lowering HLD. However, this is important in a good way, because HDL and triglycerides are the bad cholesterol. By raising the good cholesterol, you are improving your overall health. An added factor is garlic thins the blood.

Atherosclerosis is an effect of high levels of bad cholesterol. This causes terrible negative effects to the body. Long-term high cholesterol and high blood pressure that often go hand in hand can lead to not simply heart disease but organ problems. Stress upon the kidneys and liver

The chemical component in garlic that is beneficial and powerful is allicin. In order to get the benefit of garlic you should consume it weekly in food or in supplement form.

Supplemental garlic has developed a long way from its beginnings. There are deodorized garlic supplements that one can take which do not give you the typical garlic breath that many people are concerned with. There are de-odorized forms of the supplement that can be taken with no smell. One of the benefits of taking supplemental garlic is that you may consume the needed quantity at your leisure. You do not have to wait for the opportune time in order to take.

There are different opinions on how to take garlic. Some people suggest that you should eat raw crushed garlic. The studies have found that by crushing the garlic clove, the allicin becomes more available to the body. The reason to consume raw garlic as opposed to cooking it is that whenever you cook any food the nutrient content is somewhat lost. This is debatable and it is important to know that if you cannot eat raw garlic, or if you simply don’t enjoy the taste, you should be comfortable with eating cooked garlic or taking supplements.

With whatever method you choose you should realize that conventional medical treatments might not be the best choice for you. There is some worry among the health community about the possible side effects of taking statins. These concerns can be eliminated by looking into taking   garlic supplements as an alternative method of lowering cholesterol.

Causes of increased LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol

Increased level of LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein or bad cholesterol) cholesterol can lead to heart diseases and stroke. Here is the list of causes which increase the blood cholesterol level.

Foods which increase blood cholesterol
1. Processed meat like bacon, sausages, ham burgers
2. Red meat covered with layers of fat, liver ,
3. Egg yolk
4. Full fat milk, cheese,
5. Fast foods – pizzas, cake, pastries, doughnuts etc
6. Soft drinks, refined sugar,
7. Sweets,
8. Deep fried foods.
9. Oils and fats which contain saturated fats.

Lifestyles which increase the blood cholesterol level:
1. Sedentary lifestyle. (lack of exercise)
2. Smoking
3. Increased stress.

Health conditions which increase the risk of elevated blood cholesterol

1. Diabetes
2. Obesity
3. Hypothyroidism
4. Kidney diseases.

Other factors:

1. Age : Cholesterol naturally begins to raise after the age of 20
2. Gender: women who are approaching menopause
3. Hereditary: Elevated blood cholesterol may run in family.

Increased blood cholesterol is a “silent” condition which has no symptoms. Probable symptoms are chest pain, pain in calves and increased blood pressure. Studies have shown that erectile dysfunction may be a warning sign for increased blood cholesterol.

Causes of Increased LDL cholesterol

Monday, June 04, 2012

Erectile Dysfunction and Low Testosterone Level

The principle male sex hormone is testosterone. This hormone is mainly secreted by testicles and a small amount is secreted by adrenal glands. Testosterone helps to build up muscles. It helps in development of male secondary sexual characteristics like beard, mustache, body hair etc.

Endocrinologists opine that there is a link between erectile dysfunction and testosterone level in blood.  They indicate that there is a delicate link between obesity, diabetes, increased blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and low testosterone level.

The level of testosterone in men, start declining after the age of 30. At this stage many men start experiencing low libido, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and dissatisfied sexual encounters. Low levels of testosterone can affect sexual interest and natural performance,

Solely low testosterone level does not cause erectile dysfunction. Erectile dysfunction (ED) is more commonly related to changes in blood flow to the penis, changes in penis muscles, nerves, high blood pressure, diabetes, atherosclerosis, smoking ,elevated cholesterol, and medications

Low testosterone causes metabolic syndrome, obesity, depression, and loss of sensitivity of nerves (especially in male genital organ), atrophy of penile muscles, shrinkage of testicles, low energy level, loss of stamina and concentration. Metabolic syndrome caused due to low testosterone leads to type 2 diabetes, blood cholesterol level and heart and vascular diseases. All these factors lead to loss of libido and erectile dysfunction.

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Sunday, June 03, 2012

About Cholesterol

Cholesterol is found in all cells of our body. It is waxy fat like substance used by body to build cell membranes, to synthesize hormones and vitamin D.  Our body uses cholesterol to produce sex hormones and corticosteroid hormones.  Cholesterol is used in production of male hormone testosterone.( But having high cholesterol doesn't mean your testosterone will be high) .Cholesterol needed by our body is produced in Liver. Some amount of cholesterol is added to our body through the food we eat (dietary cholesterol). The cholesterol so produced is carried to blood stream with the help of proteins.

The important types of Cholesterol are LDL (Low Density Lipoproteins) cholesterol and HDL (High Density Lipoproteins) Cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is also referred to as bad cholesterol as this builds up in arteries causing damage to heart. HDL cholesterol is referred to as good cholesterol as it carries cholesterol from other parts of body to liver.

The liver produces around 1000 mg of cholesterol everyday. Out of this 80% of cholesterol is used in bile salts’ production and remaining part is utilized for body function. Excess amount of cholesterol is deposited in arteries.

Health risks due to increased cholesterol level:

Increased cholesterol leads to hardening and narrowing of arteries. This condition is known as atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis can lead to high blood pressure, coronary heart disease, heart attack and stroke.  In men high cholesterol in blood may cause erectile dysfunction.

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