According to principles of ayurveda safed musli is heavy, unctuous, sweet to taste and has cooling property. Its action on tridoshas is based on these properties. It alleviates vata by virtue of its qualities like heaviness and unctuousness. Musli normalizes pitta due to its properties like heaviness, cold and sweet taste. Hence it is very useful in diseases which involve aggravation of vata and pitta.
Shukra dhatu or semen is made up of Jala (water) and prithvi (earth) mahabhutas . Unctuous, heaviness and cold properties of safed musli increase jaladhatu and prithvidhatu. These properties in turn increase volume of semen, sperm count and sperm motility. Principles of ayurveda mention that increase in quality of shukra dhatu helps to increase potency of men. Regular consumption of this herb helps in erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and revitalization of male reproductive system.
Musli helps to increase muscle bulk and is a boon to body builders. It facilitates a quick recovery in recuperating persons. Lactating mothers are more benefited by this. Safed musli helps in rejuvenation of liver in jaundice patients. Researches have shown that this herb has anti-inflammatory and anti diabetic properties .Hence it is used in arthritis and diabetes.
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