Saturday, May 19, 2012

Steroid Effects on Sperm Count

Usages of steroids have become a fairly common phenomenon these days especially among the younger age group of men. Things can get scary when reports suggest that using anabolic steroids, the steroids effects on the fertility system of the men is to such an extent that many could get sterile. Men who have used steroids for a very long span of time such as body builders are more prone to these effects than others.

Anabolic steroids can make a person very addicted to them in a short span of time. There are two ways of using steroids.

>> Stacking

>> Cycling

In the first case, a person uses a large number of anabolic steroids which are analogous to testosterone in their effect on the body. This increases the amount of testosterone in the blood stream. High level of testosterone leads to excessive muscle augmentation. Due to increased levels of the male hormone, the testicles of a man get a signal from the brain to stop production of testosterone. As a result, the low level of testosterone in the blood can be taken as steroids effects. Even the spermatogonia which are the primary sperm producing entity also stop functioning temporarily. The problem starts when there is a profound dose of steroids stacking and the testicles never resume production of testosterone and as a result, there is no making of sperm.

In the phenomenon of cycling, men tend to take extremely high doses of steroids for a particular extent of time. Then they completely stop taking the product. After a while, they repeat the cycle of doses. Normally, the consumption of steroids goes on for about 6 to 12 weeks before a cool off period. This is more dangerous than stacking and has grievous steroids effects. This is primarily because in this case, the doses of steroids are ten to twelve times more potent than a basic dose of testosterone. Enduring such a heavy dose for a period of 6-12 weeks can damage the body in many ways than one can even think off.

Losing one's fertility is not a matter of joke and later on, one can do nothing but be repentant. What we can suggest here is that men should take care of their body. They should not use steroids or any other medicines without consulting a qualified doctor. Being aware of the steroids effects is important as one definitely does not want any life altering disease to set in.

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Friday, May 18, 2012

What are the Benefits and Risks of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Aging men in search of the “fountain of youth” often turn to treatments such as testosterone replacement therapy to roll back the hands of time, whether it’s to restore a diminishing sex drive, reverse erectile dysfunction or to simply renew their sense of youthful vigor and vitality.

Testosterone is found primarily in the testes and is responsible for the appropriate development of male sexual characteristics as well as maintaining bone density, fat distribution, muscle bulk, proper red blood cell levels, sperm production and sex drive.

But what happens when this hormone dwindles?
Though a decrease in testosterone levels is part of the normal aging process (usually starting around age 30), unusually low levels of testosterone – hypogonadism – could contribute to noticeable physical and emotional changes such as reduced sexual desire, increased body fat and  a general lack of energy.

These symptoms – which are not experienced by all men with lower than normal testosterone levels – are all part of the normal aging process, but may still result from other underlying factors including medication side effects, excessive alcohol use, etc. That’s why a blood test is the only way to provide an adequate diagnosis of low testosterone.

Only when testosterone levels are below average is testosterone replacement therapy an appropriate and safe option.

Various therapies include intramuscular injections or testosterone gels and patches worn on the body or scrotum, which may help to restore muscle mass, boost libido, sharpen memory and concentration and improve energy levels among other things.

Each treatment has its advantages and disadvantages and a doctor can determine what approach is best for you. Nonetheless, it remains unclear whether testosterone therapy would have any benefit for aging men who are otherwise healthy – in fact, the risks may outweigh the advantages.

Side effects of therapy include, but are not limited to: overproduction of red blood cells (polycythemia), which can increase the risk for heart disease; enlargement of breasts (gynecomastia); decrease in sperm count or even infertility; testicle shrinkage; and stimulation of prostate tissue or exacerbation of existing prostate cancer.

While testosterone replacement therapy might seem like the perfect anti-aging solution, the health-related benefits of testosterone therapy for age-related declines in testosterone are uncertain. Supplemental testosterone to treat an unusual decline in testosterone levels may be appropriate – considering the risks and benefits – but treating normal aging with testosterone therapy on the other hand remains controversial and may not produce the results you’re hoping to find.

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Testosterone and sperm production

Testosterone the principle male sex hormone is needed for normal production of sperm cells.  Testosterone is secreted in testicles. A small amount of this hormone is also secreted by adrenal glands.

The developing sperm cells are supported by Sertoli cells. Sertoli cells are situated within seminiferous tubules of testes. These cells provide nourishment to developing sperms and support them. 

The process of spermatogenesis (the process of production of sperms) is extremely sensitive to fluctuations in surrounding environment. The process very quickly varies to fluctuation of hormone concentration and temperature. High concentration of testosterone is required in surrounding area where sperms develop. The supportive sertoli cells maintain the environment needed for development of sperms. These cells produce a binding protein which concentrates testosterone in the surrounding environment where spermatogenesis takes place.

Low levels of testosterone slow down the process of spermatogenesis or sperm production. Hence all measures have to be taken to maintain the normal level of testosterone to increase sperm count and sperm motility.

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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Impotence Cures - Can Exercise Really Cure ED, Increase Libido and Boost Circulation?

There has been a lot of talk about impotence cures lately. Millions of men are tossing their impotence medication because of severe side effects associated with them. Many men don't want to take the risk of losing their eyesight or hearing because of strokes caused by the colorful pills.

And these millions of men are switching to simple impotence cures which can boost circulation and increase libido. And one thing thousands of men are trying to do is exercise.

But is exercise really going to help you in the bedroom?

Exercise and Your Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction, also called impotence, is no longer taboo to talk about. You see advertisements everywhere for the male dysfunction that plagues millions of men. But what is the problem caused from? Is this dysfunction common to all men?

Erectile dysfunctions are typically a physical problem caused by poor circulation. To achieve an erection, the member needs both an adequate inflow of blood and a slowing of blood outflow. And you can do this with simple exercises, breathing tips and various ways to keep your arteries open. Many of the simplest habits you have formed over the years could be having a positive or negative effect on your impotence problem.

Exercise is obviously beneficial to your overall health. There are well over a thousand benefits of exercising and curing impotence is one of them.

Fact! Men who exercise 3-5 hours a week have a 30% less risk of having an erectile dysfunction (impotence) according to a Harvard Health Professionals Follow-up Study.

But what exercises are the most beneficial ones?

How to Cure Impotence Naturally
Men who wish to cure impotence naturally must take their cardiovascular system serious. Because the cardio system is responsible for adequate circulation and heart health, it is also responsible for proper erectile functioning.

Fact! Men who exercise regularly will be 10 more years free of having an erectile dysfunction than an average man.

Therefore, any exercise that generates a sweat and gets the heart pumping is beneficial for your sex life, circulation and reducing heart disease. And you can do this with exercises like walking, jogging, running, biking, rowing or an elliptical machine. Besides boosting circulation levels, these exercises also help reduce stress.

Be generating a sweat, you can naturally lower anxiety, fend off depression, and help improve your self-esteem. All quality relaxation programs involve exercise as a stress-reliever. Many programs recommend at least 20-30 minutes of exercise a day.

One helpful tip is to always make sure you exercise for more than 20 minutes to establish a 'runner's high'. Most people exercise for 15 minutes and call it good. Though helpful, this only leaves the person tired and doesn't give enough time for the endorphins to kick in. (Endorphins are responsible for the 'good' or 'high' feelings after you exercise.)

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Monday, May 07, 2012

Tips to Increase Testosterone Naturally

Testosterone is the most important hormone in men. It not only controls sexual function and libido but is also responsible for giving you your definitive male characteristics.

Testosterone production peaks during puberty bit begins declining after the age of 30. This can lead to a whole lot of changes in your body.

Here are a few simple and easy tips to increase testosterone naturally:

1. Compound Exercises- While lack of physical activity can be one of the reasons behind plummeting testosterone levels, intense physical training is known to enhance testosterone production.

Compound exercises that work a group of muscles are best known to boost testosterone production. Some of such exercises include squats, bench press, chin ups, dead lifts etc.,

Though exercises is good for testosterone production what you need to keep in mind is that you should limit your workout to 45-60 minutes in a single session. This is because if you workout for more than an hour, your body starts producing cortisol which inhibits and diminishes testosterone production.

2. Diet- Your diet is extremely important in determining your overall health. It should be rich in proteins, moderate in fats and limited in carbohydrates for optimum testosterone production.

Most men tend to avoid fats but you need to be aware of the fact that you must include Essential Fatty Acids of EFA's in your diet. This is because all anabolic steroid hormones are produced in cholesterol and if your diet is deficient in EFA's you are most likely to have low levels of testosterone.

3. Avoid Too Much Soy- You must avoid eating foods that contain soy protein. This is because soy increases estrogen level which affects testosterone production negatively.

4. Avoid Alcohol- You must also avoid drinking too much alcohol. This is because alcohol not only affects testosterone production but can also lead to erectile problems.

5. Reduce Stress- Stress is a major deterrent to testosterone production. Among the psychological causes of low testosterone it is the most prominent one. Stress increases the level of hormone Cortisol in blood which affects testosterone production adversely. You should try to relax in order to reduce stress. Exercise is another great stress reliever.

6. Sleep for 8 hours- Not getting enough sleep also increases stress. Sleep is the most natural way to lower stress and lack of sleep not only affects testosterone levels but also lowers HGH secretion. People who are sleep deprived often look tired and older than their years and this is largely because it affects their HGH levels.

Over and above, there are some natural supplements that can help boost your testosterone levels. These natural supplements are packed with potent herbs and other natural ingredients that boost testosterone levels without any side effects.

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Sleep and Erectile Dysfunction

About Erectile Dysfunction

    It is estimated that one in ten men will have recurring erectile dysfunction at some point in their life
    Only 10% of sufferers receive treatment
    The causes can be physical (e.g. due to disease) or psychological (e.g. due to work stress), but treatment is available for both

Erectile dysfunction is an inability to get or keep an erection. As sexual activity is an important part of life, erectile dysfunction has a profound effect on sufferers. Occasional inability to maintain an erection can be caused by too much alcohol, stress, or a number of other factors. However, a frequent inability indicates a problem that for most people is treatable.

The psychological causes can usually be treated by discovering the source of the problem (for example stress at home or depression) and helping to solve the problem through counseling or lifestyle changes. Physical causes can include:

    High blood pressure
    Heavy smoking
    High cholesterol or other heart problems
    The effect of some medications

Treatment typically takes the form of pills, though injections, surgery and other devices are also used. It is important to discuss erectile dysfunction with your doctor and not seek a solution with non-approved pills or creams advertised on the internet or television.

About Sleep and Erectile Dysfunction

    Like many other functions during sleep, men frequently get erections while sleeping
    There is evidence that sleep disorders are linked to erectile dysfunction

Throughout the day, and especially during sleep, there are cycles of hormones and other physiological chemicals. One of these is testosterone, which is an important hormone for many aspects of sexual health. People with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a common sleep disorder, have an interrupted testosterone cycle. It is possible that such disrupted hormonal cycles may be the link between OSA and the ability to maintain an erection.

The most successful way to treat OSA is with a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine used while sleeping. Scientific studies have shown that the use of a CPAP in men with erectile dysfunction and OSA improves their ability to maintain an erection and their sex life. The CPAP is about as successful as the traditional oral pills.

When you discuss erectile dysfunction with your doctor, be sure to mention any sleep problems you may also be having.

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