Sunday, May 13, 2012

Impotence Cures - Can Exercise Really Cure ED, Increase Libido and Boost Circulation?

There has been a lot of talk about impotence cures lately. Millions of men are tossing their impotence medication because of severe side effects associated with them. Many men don't want to take the risk of losing their eyesight or hearing because of strokes caused by the colorful pills.

And these millions of men are switching to simple impotence cures which can boost circulation and increase libido. And one thing thousands of men are trying to do is exercise.

But is exercise really going to help you in the bedroom?

Exercise and Your Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction, also called impotence, is no longer taboo to talk about. You see advertisements everywhere for the male dysfunction that plagues millions of men. But what is the problem caused from? Is this dysfunction common to all men?

Erectile dysfunctions are typically a physical problem caused by poor circulation. To achieve an erection, the member needs both an adequate inflow of blood and a slowing of blood outflow. And you can do this with simple exercises, breathing tips and various ways to keep your arteries open. Many of the simplest habits you have formed over the years could be having a positive or negative effect on your impotence problem.

Exercise is obviously beneficial to your overall health. There are well over a thousand benefits of exercising and curing impotence is one of them.

Fact! Men who exercise 3-5 hours a week have a 30% less risk of having an erectile dysfunction (impotence) according to a Harvard Health Professionals Follow-up Study.

But what exercises are the most beneficial ones?

How to Cure Impotence Naturally
Men who wish to cure impotence naturally must take their cardiovascular system serious. Because the cardio system is responsible for adequate circulation and heart health, it is also responsible for proper erectile functioning.

Fact! Men who exercise regularly will be 10 more years free of having an erectile dysfunction than an average man.

Therefore, any exercise that generates a sweat and gets the heart pumping is beneficial for your sex life, circulation and reducing heart disease. And you can do this with exercises like walking, jogging, running, biking, rowing or an elliptical machine. Besides boosting circulation levels, these exercises also help reduce stress.

Be generating a sweat, you can naturally lower anxiety, fend off depression, and help improve your self-esteem. All quality relaxation programs involve exercise as a stress-reliever. Many programs recommend at least 20-30 minutes of exercise a day.

One helpful tip is to always make sure you exercise for more than 20 minutes to establish a 'runner's high'. Most people exercise for 15 minutes and call it good. Though helpful, this only leaves the person tired and doesn't give enough time for the endorphins to kick in. (Endorphins are responsible for the 'good' or 'high' feelings after you exercise.)

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This blog is provide very informative information for men. I wish many people like it. impotence