Monday, December 19, 2011

How Smoking Increases Risk of ED

Many of us know that inhaling tobacco smoke can do many negative things for our health. But something that we may not realize is that it can be keeping us from being able to get an erection. That's right, erectile dysfunction is accelerated by the use of tobacco products, specifically smoking. Lets take a look at some of the ways that smoking can heighten the risk of having problems with erectile dysfunction.

One of the first things that can happen when you start smoking cigarettes is a decrease in lung capacity, which makes your body work harder to be able to breathe. Smoking can tear away at the alveoli in your lungs. These are air sacs that help transport oxygen to your blood. If these alveoli are destroyed, then less oxygen gets transported to your blood. Your blood flow is vitally important to sexually health. If you can't get good circulation, then your erections will suffer also.

The reason that your circulation will affect your erections relates to the anatomy of arousal and erectile ability. Your penis needs blood to become hard so if you can't get good circulation, then you won't be able to get an erection. Therefore, tobacco products, particular cigarettes and other smoke-able forms of tobacco can greatly increase your risk of erectile dysfunction.

Another thing that smoking does to raise the chances of erectile problems is to make your more tired. Smoking drains your energy because of the extra work that your lungs have to do because of the damage done from inhaling smoke. Cigarettes and tobacco can cause emphysema, causing the lungs to hold in carbon dioxide. This is what makes it difficult for smokers to catch their breath. If your lung capacity is down, you will not be able to enjoy a sex life that is free from problems.

Having an erection requires blood. In the circulatory system of a smoker, blockages in arteries keep blood from flowing freely. This makes it extremely difficult for the body to establish a decent erection. Oxygen and blood go hand in hand and there must be one of each to establish a good and healthy circulatory system. Smoking hurts both of these functions in the body making it difficult to enjoy a healthy sex life.

With all of the negative effects of smoking tobacco products, erectile dysfunction is one that should be noted when you are considering your personal health. Remember that you are not only damaging your lungs, but your blood's oxygenation and therefore your sexuality and all of your other organs.

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

High Cholesterol Is Associated With Erectile Dysfunction

Gentlemen if you're experiencing Erectile Dysfunction (ED) there's a chance that your high cholesterol could be causing the problem. If your cholesterol levels are above 240 your risk of ED doubles compared to men with levels below 180.

If you have problems getting and/or keeping an erection during sex you may have ED. The problem may not be constant but should be a warning sign that something is wrong

Bad cholesterol (ldl) builds substances known as plaque in the walls of your arteries thus decreasing the blood flow that is needed to maintain an erection.

Blood pressure and certain medications will also cause ED.

If you think that you have high cholesterol you should see your doctor to get a cholesterol test and discuss ways to lower your levels. Your doctor may also place your on medication for ED.

If you do not like taking a lot of different medicines you may want to try some of the better herbal products that's on the market today.

These are some things you can do prior to seeing your doctor:

Stop smoking if you smoke

Include more fiber in your diet and cut down on saturated fats

Start taking an Omega 3 supplement such as Krill Oil.
You should start an exercise regiment to increase blood flow but only after you have seen your doctor.

This problem is common... you're not the only one affected by it and treatment is available.

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Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Can Exercise Fight Erectile Dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED) has been reported by 12% of men under 59, 22% of men aged 60 to 69, and 30% of men 70 and over. Being overweight makes it even more likely. Men with a body mass index (BMI) over 28.7 have a 30% higher risk of having ED than those with a normal BMI (i.e. 25 or below).

Physicians in Naples, Italy, have studied whether weight loss and increased physical activity can improve ED in obese men. Their findings are reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, and are summarized here.

What was done

Obese men with erectile dysfunction, aged 35 to 45 years, were recruited. They had to have a body mass index of 30 or above, and a score of 21 or less on the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). (This score was the result of answers to 5 questions; each allocated up to 5 points, so the maximum score possible was 25.) Men with diabetes, high blood pressure, or raised cholesterol levels were excluded from the study.

Of 140 obese men assessed initially, 30 were eliminated - for health reasons or because they were unwilling to undertake the suggested lifestyle changes. The remaining men were allocated at random to join either the so-called 'intervention' group, or the 'control' group.

Men in the intervention group received detailed advice on how to reduce their body weight by 10% or more - individually tailored dietary recommendations, and guidance on increasing physical activity. The trial lasted 2 years, during which the men had regular sessions with the nutritionist and the exercise trainer - monthly in the first year and bi-monthly in the second.

Obese men in the control group were given general information about healthy eating and exercise at baseline, and then again every two months, but they received no further counseling.

Tests conducted at baseline and after 2 years included height, weight, waist size, and blood pressure measurements; total cholesterol, HDL, and triglyceride levels; blood inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein or CRP, interleukins 6 and 8); and the function of the cells lining the blood vessels (endothelium) after L-arginine stimulus. And, of course, the IIEF was repeated after 2 years, as the measure of success or failure in improving erectile dysfunction.

What was found

At baseline the results of the IIEF and the tests outlined above were similar in both groups of obese men. Their average BMI was 36.5, and the average IIEF score was 13.7.

It can be seen that the lifestyle intervention was effective in reducing the BMI levels and improving the IIEF scores in the men who received it. After 2 years, 17 out of 55 obese men in the intervention group, compared with 3 out of 55 controls, reported IIEF scores above 22 i.e. their symptoms of erectile dysfunction had nearly disappeared.

Along with the improved symptoms, there were reductions in some of the inflammation markers in the blood, and improvements in the blood lipid profiles, indicating a reduced risk for cardiovascular disease. No such changes were seen in the control group men.

What this means

In an earlier US study, men who began to exercise in midlife had a 70% lower likelihood of developing erectile dysfunction, compared with those who remained sedentary. In the study we've summarized here, weight loss achieved by changes in lifestyle (diet, exercise) clearly improved existing erectile dysfunction in obese men. The take-home message is clear-cut. Start exercising in midlife to avoid erectile dysfunction, and if you are overweight and have developed this problem, diet and exercise will help you get back to normal functioning. You should certainly try this approach before turning to Viagra and its near relations.

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Saturday, December 03, 2011

Keep Erectile Dysfunction Away With Weight Loss

Right after the induction of revolutionary drug Viagra, the interest in the study and treatment of erectile dysfunction has witnessed a prominent hike. Now a large mass of people have started taking keen interest in the absolute cure of this upsetting sexual disease. Italian scientists are one among them. Italian scientists have unearthed a worthwhile means to help out millions of men with erectile dysfunction. According to the study conducted by Italian researchers, erectile dysfunction can be kept aloof by maintaining a healthy body weight.

Published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2004, the Italian study was conducted on 110 obese men with erectile dysfunction for two years, aged 35-55. During the study, men were asked to follow a program, including healthy eating and exercise as to lose 10% or more body weight.  After two years, men were found more physically active and lost an average of 33 pounds. In addition, nearly one-third of observed men witnessed a remarkable improvement in their sexual functionality.

Though earlier studies had already discovered that men who are physically active and have normal body weight, are at a low risk of developing erectile dysfunction, the Italian study was the first who attempted to explore another credible erectile dysfunction  treatment, apart from available alternatives such as surgery and medications, including Generic Viagra, Generic Cialis and levitra.

According to the researchers, an estimated four out of five men suffering from ED have BMI above 25 and overweight men with BMIs of 28.7 have a 30% high risk of getting ED or impotence compared to men with a normal body weight.

After Consulting Doctor you can take any of the erectile dysfunction pills- generic Viagra, generic cialis or generic Levitra.

In addition to augmentation of the odds of erectile dysfunction, unhealthy body weight also enhances the likelihood of high blood pressure, heart diseases, and type2 diabetes in men and so, affects men's health at large.   Thereby, by keeping an eye on the mounting body weight, men can stay away from erectile dysfunction and can save their sexual life from being spoiled by impotence.

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Variations in Volume of Semen

According to WHO standards the average volume of semen produced at ejaculation is 2ml to 5ml. The condition hypospermia occurs when semen volume is constantly less than 1.5ml .This may be due to frequent ejaculations. Blockage, retrograde ejaculation or low level of testosterone can also cause hypospermia. If volume of semen is persistently more than 5.5ml, the condition is known as hyperspermia and may occur after prolonged abstinence.

The semen consists of secretions from glands of reproductive system. The ejaculate consists of secretions from testicles, epididymes, seminal vesicles, prostate glands, bulbourethral glands and urethral glands. Seminal vesicles contribute 50 to 75% of the secretion. Testicles, epididymes, Bulbourethral and urethral glands contribute around 5 to 10 %.Secretions from prostate gland will be 20 to 30 %.

Secretions from Seminal Vesicles:
Secretions from seminal vesicles constitute major portion of semen and are rich in fructose (simple sugar). Fructose is an essential nutrient which nourishes spermatozoa. The secretions of seminal vesicle contain a substance which helps in clotting of semen after ejaculation.

Secretions from Prostate gland:
The secretions from prostate gland contain various chemicals and enzymes. The enzyme Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) is very important. This acts as a catalyst in a biochemical reaction which causes liquefaction of clotted semen.

Secretions from Bulbourethral and urethral glands:
The secretions of these glands lubricate the male reproductive tract. In some men secretions may contain anti sperm antibodies which harm motility of sperms and prevent sperms from fertilizing egg. This can affect fertility of men.

Semen Volume Ayurvedic View:
According to principles of ayurveda, the semen is visible part of “Shukra dhatu”. Physiology of ayurveda mentions existence of seven dhatus or vital tissues in human body. Shukra dhatu is listed as seventh tissue.

Tridoshas (vata, pitta and kapha) which reside in these dhatus control all the activities of these vital tissues. But tridoshas should be in balanced condition to help dhatus to carryout their normal functions.

The shukra dhatu gets vitiated when balance of tridoshas residing in it get disturbed. This affects volume of semen to cause abnormal increase or decrease. The volume of semen decreases, when vitiation of vata is more. The reason being, vata causes dryness in tissues. When kapha dosha gets vitiated the volume of semen increases abnormally as kapha causes unusual increase of moisture level in tissues.

A reduction in physiological functions of dhatus occurs when body is poorly nourished. Thus volume of semen reduces when male reproductive system is under nourished. Ayurveda acharyas recommend Vajikarana preparations and aphrodisiac herbs to nourish male reproductive system. These herbs and preparations not only supply important nutrients to shukra dhatu but also normalize imbalanced doshas. This complete process is known as Vajikarana therapy. Vajikarana therapy helps to produce healthy semen containing healthy sperms.

This article is copy righted. The author Dr.Krishna.R.S is anAyurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda Health care for him Read more at Variations in Volume of semen

Foods to Help Increase Semen Volume

You Are What You Eat:

What to Include in Your Diet to Increase Your Semen Volume

The maxim that you are what you eat holds true when it comes to your fitness level as a person. But did you know that your diet can also have a positive effect to one particular aspect of your life that you want to improve? That is none other than your sex life.

Basically, one of the things that men look at as a problem regarding their sex life is that they find their semen volume to be quite lacking. To increase semen volume is to generally up the ante in your sex life due to a number of reasons.

First, a high volume of semen load is something of a turn on for most women. It's also a symbol of male virility, endurance and even fertility - that is why most members of the male species get alarmed if they find that the volume of their ejaculate seems to be lower than usual.

So how can you actually work to increase seminal volume? Again, it all goes back to your diet. By having a lifestyle which has a generally healthy diet, plenty of exercise and by keeping yourself hydrated at all times, it will be much easier for you to naturally increase semen volume without resorting to buying expensive pills.

Increase Seminal Volume by Including these Food Items in Your Diet

To help you out in your quest to increase semen volume so that you can have a better sex life, here are some food items that you can include in your diet, as well as additional food-related tips:

1. Eat foods which are low in fat in high in protein.

Not only will a high-protein, low-fat diet help to increase semen volume, but it will also do wonders for your overall health. Combine this with eating a lot of fruits, vegetables, beans, wheat germ, oatmeal and other whole grains which are rich in fiber.

Did you know that your diet can even affect the way that your semen tastes? If you're lucky enough to regularly receive some oral loving from your partner, treat her to something sweet by eating foods that will make your semen taste sweeter: cranberries, pineapples and papayas are good for this. If you eat a lot of junk foods combined with beer, your semen will taste bitter.

2. Minimize your consumption of alcohol and caffeine.

Remember that the fluid produced in your semen is made up of 98% water. As such, you should always keep yourself hydrated if you want to produce a decent volume of load when you ejaculate. In addition, steer clear of beverages which may cause you to be dehydrated, such as alcoholic drinks and coffee. If you must drink these, always drink plenty of water afterwards to compensate.

3. Try out these other food items to increase your sperm volume.

Aside from increasing your libido, oysters are also a great way to increase your semen volume. Celery is another vegetable which contains components that stimulate your sexual desire, not to mention increase your semen volume at the same time.

Finally, power-pack your diet with foods which are rich in zinc and you're all set. By following these diet tips, you can eat your way towards a healthier diet, an increased semen volume and a better sex life.

If you want to fast track your results?, there are powerful supplements that can fast track your, these products are safe, natural products that have concentrated amounts of the best ingredients to aid in semen volume enhancement and sexual reproductive improvement overall.

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Monday, July 25, 2011

The Dangers of Bodybuilding Supplements

Nutritional supplements can be great in helping you stay healthy and ensuring you get all the necessary vitamins and minerals your body requires. However many bodybuilders take and misuse 'bodybuilding supplements', with goal of bulking up faster. The bodybuilding supplement which is most often misused by bodybuilders is anabolic steroids. Anabolic steroids will help you get bigger much faster than a natural bodybuilder, but the negative effects of such bodybuilding supplements seriously outweigh the benefits.

Bodybuilders Beware...

As a bodybuilder you must know that steroids are illegal, and most competitive bodybuilders have to take drug test before competing. The damage you will do to yourself by being caught out doing steroids will destroy your reputation within bodybuilding circles and outside them. Plus the damage you might do to your body is potentially very bad.

You'll Stop Being A "Real" Man

Here's What Steroids Might Do To You (as a man):

-They will cause men's testicles to shrink

-Steroids have been shown to lower men's sperm count

-Cause breasts to develop

-Induce you voice to deepen

-Trigger your hair to fall out

Who's the man now then?

Women also are effected; by a deepening of the voice, hair loss and also the development of facial hair. Teenagers who take steroids might have their growth stunted. And if all this isn't enough, it can get much worse.

Anabolic steroids can cause damage to your liver, with the side effect of jaundice. They are also believed to cause tumours in the liver and cancer. However the worst effect is found on the heart, as steroids can cause the heart to enlarge and the arteries to harden, with the result being heart disease and eventually heart failure.
Even More Side Effects

Other bodybuilding supplements have been found to cause spots, acne, shaking, and uncontrollable anger, also known as roid rage that causes the user to be extremely aggressive and violent.

I'm not going to touch in detail on the reasons why steroids help you bulk up, because I don't believe you should be taking them. All you need it hard work, dedication, good nutrition and a proven training program, and if you stick to it all you'll have the body of your dreams in no time.

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Tips For Youths Undertaking Bodybuilding

It has become the in thing for youths to undertake bodybuilding nowadays. The youths are the ones who are crowding the gyms nowadays since they have become very fitness conscience. If you are a teen seeking to boost your self confidence, improve your health, ego and self confidence then you need to take up bodybuilding. The young ladies nowadays admire guys with good body physique and that is why the teens are rushing to the gyms so that they can win the affection of the ladies.

As a youth bodybuilding is very useful because not only does it help you to develop a good body physique but it also helps you develop a disciplined life style. Without discipline you cannot be able to excel in life since discipline plays a major role in determining whether you are going to succeed in life. The importance of discipline when it comes to succeeding in bodybuilding cannot be overemphasized.

Being a youth it is not advisable to use steroids in order to attain your bodybuilding goals. The reason is because your body already contains plenty of testosterone necessary to facilitate muscle growth. If you use steroids at this point in life your body is going to experience hormonal imbalance which may make your body to react very adversely to the drugs. Some of the side effects you may experience include; enlargement of the clitoris, irregularity of the menstrual cycle, growth of facial hair in women, shrinking of testicles in men, low sperm count, decrease in libido, baldness, kidney problems, liver conditions, heart ailments, insomnia, increase in aggression, and depression. You should not use steroids when you are young and your bodybuilding regimen should be natural. After you reach 25 years then you can consider using steroids since at this age your body is not able to produce as much testosterone as it used to.

Bodybuilding the natural way is especially useful if you are a youth since it helps you discover your strength and weakness. You are able to push your body to its limit so that you achieve muscle hypertrophy. This will help develop your character a great deal. It will help you not to give up just because you are experiencing great difficulties in attaining your goal.

In order to succeed in bodybuilding as a youth you need to understand the elements which govern bodybuilding. They include eating a healthy balanced diet, weight training and cardio exercises. Without properly balancing these three elements of bodybuilding you will not be able to succeed in developing your body muscles and transforming your body. Your diet should be balanced and include proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins. Proteins are the building blocks of muscles. Carbohydrates are the chief source of fuel since they contain plenty of calories which are needed for intense training. You also need to weight train so that you can be able to develop your muscles. The muscles can only be able to increase in size and strength through weight training exercises. You need to include aerobic exercises as well so that you get rid of the excess body fat so that your muscles become well defined.

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Thursday, June 30, 2011

Ghee Made With Medicinal Ayurvedic Herbs

Ghee (clarified butter) addresses so many health problems - such as restoring sexual vitality and lubricating tissues, nerves and organs. According to Ayurvedic science, ghee helps produce healthy semen, maintains a strong digestive tract, and keeps eyes and memory youthful.

Today I want to give you a medicinal ghee recipe that takes the healing process a step further. There are many medicinal ghee mixtures (ghee infused with herbs) - known and trusted for centuries.

Protecting Ourselves From Hard Living

Think of it this way: We inhale a TABLESPOON of solid particles each day (we live in a toxic soup). Doesn't it make perfect sense to moisturize with rich herbs to keep the tissue super clean and sturdy? Today's recipe can be used as both a preventive measure and a treatment for ailments in the ear, nose and throat regions. A half-teaspoon daily protects the body from all those invisible toxins floating around.

I recommend it to anyone who wants to improve mental alertness, calm their nerves and develop powerful focus. Personally, I use it (and prescribe it) to combat allergies, respiratory problems and severe headaches. And let me not forget, this is a fabulous salve for massaging the chakras and rebalancing energy.

Let Me Introduce Some Special Ingredients

I want to introduce you to the herbs that go into this medicinal ghee -- and give you an idea of how each one contributes to the body's balance and wellbeing. As I always say: It's good to read the label and know what's going inside of you.

Ashwanghanda: Effective for fatigue, weakness, impotency, infertility, arthritis and other problems associated with aging. It is similar to Ginseng, but without any of the overheating or over-stimulating side effects.

Brahmi Powder: Treats hair loss and skin problems such as eczema and psoriasis

Meluthi Licorice Powder: Great for bronchial problems, and bowel and urinary infections.

Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus): In India, Shatavari is considered the female equivalent to Ashwagandha. The name translates to "she who possesses 100 children" -- referring to the herbs' rejuvenating effect on women's reproductive organs.

Now for the recipe...

Enlightenment Ghee

2 tsp Brahmin Powder

3 tsp Meluthi Licorice Powder

4 tsp of Ashwanghanda

4 tsp Shatavari

1. Crush the herbs in an electric grinder, mortar and pestle, or small food processer.

2. Place in saucepan with 14 cups of water.

3. Simmer the ingredients and reduce until it resembles a creamy thick paste. There should be no loose water in the pan.

4. Add mixture to butter and prepare ghee as normal.

This recipe is enough for 2 lbs of butter. It can be used in any recipes calling for ghee. Add this ghee to your kicharee or mix 1 tsp in warm milk. Enjoy both the taste and the benefits.Link

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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

What Is Bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding makes not only a fit body, but also fit mind. The word bodybuilding says everything. It is so easy to understand the meaning of this word and what this sport is about. Bodybuilding is the best sport when it comes to making your body proportionally shaped and fit.

This sport is not only about the body. More important, this great physical activity is about health, too. Are you looking for health benefits of weight training and aerobic exercise? Bodybuilding has it all.

Improve Bodily Health:

Bodybuilding decreases risk of developing coronary heart disease. By engaging in physical activities such as weight training and aerobic exercise you have more chance to reduce and control high blood pressure, obesity and high cholesterol.

Bodybuilding has such great and healthy impact on muscle, bones and joints. Bodybuilding keeps your body and muscle strong and flexible. Bodybuilding and weight training can definitely help you with osteoporosis and arthritis.

These health benefits of weight training and aerobic exercise are already well known. Can our brain and mind benefit from bodybuilding, weight training exercise and aerobic exercise? What do we know about that?

Since, I was a little girl, I heard sayings such as, "In healthy body, healthy mind". Having over twenty years of experience in bodybuilding and fitness, I can tell you that this saying makes so much sense and it's so true.

Improve Mental Health:

Bodybuilding, weight training exercise and aerobic exercise can boost our mind and mental well being. Weight training and aerobic exercise can help with reduction in stress, anxiety and depression. Weight training and aerobic exercise can help in rising of self-esteem and confidence.

This is so important for people who have low self-esteem. Bodybuilding exercise can boost your self-esteem and confidence, by helping you to develop positive self-image. Developing positive self-image will happen as the result of changes in body shape as you begin to lose weight or feel your body get leaner, stronger and better.

Bodybuilding, weight training and aerobic exercise can improve your mood and help you deal better and easier with negative emotions. The way weight training and aerobic exercise can improve mood is because this exercise will make you feel good.

Physical activity, weight training and aerobic exercise help releases of endorphin. Endorphin is a brain chemical which influences mood. Bodybuilding exercise can help you sleep better, reduce fatigue and psychological tension.


Too much stress and anxiety can affect your mental health and mind. The negative effects of stress are:

Stress causes negative thinking
Stress takes so much of our physical and mental energy
Stress destroy enjoyment in life
Stress reduces ability to focus

Stress is the body's reaction to physical or emotional change. Physical symptoms may include headaches, muscle pain, chest pain, weight gain or weight loss, etc.


Anxiety is different from stress. Anxiety is a feeling of nervousness, fear, worry. Anxiety could be caused by:

Stress at workplace
Stress and problems in a personal relationship
Financial stress
Emotional stress
And more

Some physical symptoms of anxiety include:

Difficulty breathing
Anxiety interferes with ability to sleep
Upset stomach
Abnormal hearth rhythms,
Trouble concentrating
Muscle tension
And more

Bodybuilding, weight training exercise and aerobic exercise can help your mind and brain by protecting your thinking and memory. Millions of people experience memory and thinking problems as they get older.

The worst case scenario is when Alzheimer's disease affects brain cells, which destroys memory and thinking. Alzheimer's disease brings gradually loss of mental functions like thinking, remembering and planning.

Weight training and aerobic exercise gets the blood flowing and your brain needs a lot of blood to function correctly. Having a healthy blood flow can keep your brain and mind functioning properly. It can keep your thinking, remembering and planning skills at work for you, not against you.


Depression is a medical condition and it could be caused by genetics, life difficult situations, and etc. But more than anything depression is the way people react to what happens in their lives.

Some symptoms of depression are:

Lack of energy and feeling tired all the time
Weight gain or weight loss
Inability to sleep well and change in sleep patterns
Aches and pain in body and muscles
Irritability, anger or anxiety
Inability to enjoy life
Inability to focus and concentrate
Lack of motivation
Low mental and physical energy

Weight training and aerobic exercise can treat depression naturally. Bodybuilding, weight training and aerobic exercise increase self-esteem, improve your health and body, lift your mood, reduce stress and frustration, improve your sleeping patterns, distract your mind from worries and difficult life events and situations, help you gain control of your life, body and mind.

Weight training exercise and aerobic exercise are very good stress and tension reliever. Physical activities will keep your body and mind relaxed, refreshed and calm. With weight training and aerobic exercise, you will have a more positive impact on psychological and physical health.

Improve Body And Mind:

Weight training and aerobic exercise gives you a feeling of empowerment over your mind and body. When you are physically active and you exercise, you are taking active control over your health and that improves your body and the state of mind.

Bodybuilding, weight training and aerobic exercise improve your energy level, much needed for your body. In the same time your brain and mind needs mental energy so you can concentrate and focus better.

When you exercise you breathe deeper, and that way you bring more oxygen to the body and brain. Oxygen keeps your brain healthy. Bodybuilding, weight training and aerobic exercise improve the efficiency of our mind. Overall health of mind and body will be enhanced when you are physicaly active.

The bottom line - Weight-training exercise and aerobic exercise are so essential and phenomenal for healthy mind and healthy body. Having healthy and strong mind and body, means balance and great connection between mind and body.

Improve Nutrition:

To improve the health of your mind, the best would be to incorporate weight training, aerobic exercise, healthy nutrition and rest. Healthy eating habits and the food you eat can affect your thinking and memory. It is so important what you put in your body and from that depends how your brain and mind will improve their function.

Eating foods rich in antioxidants can improve focus and memory. Foods high in antioxidants include fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, tomatoes, oranges, and etc. Eating whole grains, fruit and vegetables will supply your brain with glucose.

If your blood glucose level drops below normal, you can become dizzy. Try to maintain the normal glucose level in your blood without consuming the glucose in a form of sugar.

Food rich in iron provide your brain and mind with oxygen. Iron rich foods include lean meet, poultry, raisins, dry apricots, etc.

Food rich in Vitamin B is very important for healthy mind. Good food sources of the B vitamin are: milk, cheese, fish, meat, potatoes, bananas, eggs, and etc.

Eating organic foods reduces toxins that would go into your body and brain. Choosing organic food - your body and mind will benefit greatly. Water is essential for healthy mind and body.

Your body is 75% water. Staying hydrated benefits your body and brain by keeping you detoxified and oxygenated. Reducing fast food as much as you can will help keep you fit in your mind and body. To improve your memory avoid alcohol and heavy drinking.


Weight training exercise, aerobic exercise and right nutrition have beneficial effects on mental sharpness and strong healthy mind. Work on your body, work on your mind and they will serve you better in years to come.

Weight training and aerobic exercise raise your self-esteem and sense of empowerment. Bodybuilding offers exercise which will make you stronger and more energetic.

The more energetic and stronger you feel, the greater is your confidence and self-esteem. With strong, healthy and positive confidence and self-esteem, you will be able to fight more everyday stress, anxiety and depression. You will be in control of your life, health mind and body.

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Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Functions of Testosterone and the Consequences of Low Testosterone Levels

Testosterone is an anti aging hormone in men that is responsible for many other functions apart from defining sexual characteristics and drive in men. This hormone which also known as anabolic steroid regulates basic body metabolism, stimulates red blood cell production and hinders the excessive production of free radicals. It also facilities protein synthesis and build up of lean body tissue. Unlike most other hormones testosterone exerts its effect by quickly passing through the membranes of cell and binding itself to the specific activation site of the DNA.

Testosterone is produced by small group of specialized cells within the testicles. Production is triggered through the simulation of these cells by the luteinizing hormones from the pituitary gland. As with most hormones the level of testosterone is monitored by hypothalamus in the brain. If testosterone levels exceeds certain value then hypothalamus issues a command to stop secreting luteinizing hormones and in their absence testosterone production comes to a halt. Such is the complex process of testosterone production.

High levels of testosterone are associated with balding and overtly aggressive behavior. Sometimes high levels of this hormone may be a factor in causing prostate cancer. Further too much of this hormone can cause blood to thicken and red blood cells to clamp together. This can place a man at a greater risk of stroke and heart attack.

With age the levels of testosterone slowly decreases. From the age of 30 there is a 1% to 2% reduction in testosterone levels till the age of 70. The decrease in levels of this hormone may vary depending on the individual and may produce menopausal like conditions in some men. Many men who are above 80 years of age have abnormally low testosterone levels. Men with low levels of this hormone have diminished sex drive and have difficulty in maintaining erection. They may become lethargic, withdrawn and may loose strength and physical endurance. Body composition also changes with low levels of this hormone and the lean muscle is replaced with fat.

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A Guide to Fruits that Increase Testosterone

Diet and Testosterone....

Are you searching for ways to boost your testosterone levels naturally? Have you looked at your diet?

The following is a collection of tips from doctors, scientists and fitness experts about a healthy diet for optimum testosterone production, including lots of foods and even fruits that increase testosterone production.

Testosterone is produced by the body and is not found in the food we eat; however, certain foods lead to testosterone production and better blood circulation, which carries the testosterone to the appropriate organ, while other foods should be avoided.

So foods that encourage testosterone production may be called -- for lack of a better term -- testosterone food sources.

Testosterone Food Sources


Zinc: The best source of dietary zinc is meat. The best meat choice is the white meat of chicken. The best fish choice is salmon. For vegetarians, choose peanuts or beans. No fruits that increase testosterone in this category, because plant sources of zinc are harder for the body to use and are not good testosterone food sources.

Vitamin A: essential for the normal function of the reproductive organs. Lots of fruits that increase testosterone in this category: apples, blueberries, cantaloupe, pineapple and citrus fruits, just to name a few. Other food sources of Vitamin A include fish (salmon, again), leafy greens (spinach) and brightly colored vegetables like tomatoes, red peppers and yellow squash.

Hope you like salmon, because other than being an excellent source of Vitamin A and zinc, as well as protein, fish oil is said to keep SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) levels lower. When testosterone runs into SHBG in the blood stream, it becomes attached to it, and then can't interact with any of the body's cells.

The net effect of testosterone that is attached to SHBG is the same as a lack of testosterone since it is prevented from having any impact on the body. Salmon might be your number one testosterone food source followed closely by oysters which are naturally rich in zinc.

Diet and Testosterone


The following foods are not testosterone friendly food and drink sources: fried foods, sugar and caffeine over stimulate the adrenals, which produce some testosterone. Over stimulating the adrenals leads to "adrenal exhaustion", means they are not going to produce testosterone or anything else.

So a breakfast of hash browns, toast with jelly and coffee with cream and sugar would have pretty much everything in it that you want to AVOID if you are looking for testosterone food sources.

In conclusion, a healthy diet and testosterone production go hand in hand.

It is not possible to include here all of the good testosterone food sources or even all of the fruits that increase testosterone.

Consult a nutritionist or dietician for a personal plan that addresses your individual needs.

In the meantime, for breakfast tomorrow have an egg omelet (egg yolk contains cholesterol which testosterone is made from) with tomatoes and red peppers (sources of Vitamin A) and orange juice to drink. Follow that up with some alfalfa-sprout toast (alfalfa is said to be a sexual stimulant) and some fresh apples, pineapples or other fruits that increase testosterone and you are sure to have a good start to your day.

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Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Benefits of a Sperm Count Test

When talking about infertility, many people around the world still think it's a "woman's problem." Over the past couple of years it is always women who have been the focus of discussion around infertility. But, what many people don't know is the fact that over half the cases of infertility are caused by men. How can a man suffer infertility? Well, it can be caused by many things. In this case, it's related to sperm count. But, first things first: what is infertility?

Infertility is the inability to conceive after at least one year of unprotected intercourse. Since most people are able to conceive within this time, physicians recommend that couples unable to do so be assessed for fertility problems. In men, hormone disorders, illness, reproductive anatomy trauma, and low sperm count can be the cause of infertility.

So, if you are having trouble conceiving, then a sperm count test is likely to be on top of your list. Yes. I understand it can be embarrassing to you. But the sooner you discover about your fertility, the sooner you can start treatment and having successful pregnancy with your wife. A little visit to a urologist should start the evaluation with a basic interview and examination. Many urologist have different approach to this case, and besides sperm count test, there are some other tests they will do to you in order to determine your exact condition. Here is the list:

Sperm count test.Basically, a sperm count test measures the amount of sperm in one unit volume of semen. Normally, there are 20 million to 150 million of sperm in one unit of semen. A urologist will try to estimate the amount of your sperm count, examine the shape of your sperm, how they move, their pH balance, and many other things. Generally, higher number of your sperm count means the higher of your chance to become fertile.

Anti-sperm Antibodies.Antibodies are some proteins that are found in blood or other bodily fluids, and are used by the immune system to identify and neutralize some foreign objects, such as bacteria and viruses. So, they are like "soldiers" that protect the territory of our body from invaders. However, some men have an abnormal antibodies. Instead of guarding the territory, these 'soldiers" are attacking their own friends, including sperm. These antibodies blocking the sperm on the way to the egg, preventing fertilization. In this case, making the sperm is not the problem, but how to get them to go where they need to go is the problem.

Hormone evaluation.Testosterone, just like many other hormones, are made in the brain. It controls sexual functioning in your body. This includes enhanced libido, increased energy, and the production of red blood cells, which is also important to your fertility.

Physical examination.Physical examination is a process to investigates your body for signs of disease. This includes taking medical history. A complete physical examination also includes the evaluation of your general appearance and specific organ systems, such as sex organs.

So, those are some of the tests you have to know and there are others. You should learn more about them in order to help you detect the cause of your infertility. But don't be discourages, there is also a simple way you can do to increase your fertility.

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Low Sperm Count As a Major Cause of Male Infertility

If a man is unable to get his partner to conceive after having a year of unprotected sexual intercourse perhaps it is time to consider matters rather more seriously. In males, one of the ways to assess fecundity is to evaluate the quantity of sperms produced. Low sperm count is one of the major causes of male infertility and this condition rarely manifests concrete signs. Thus, when planning to have a child, consider having some fertility assessments to determine if there are grounds of male infertility.

Male infertility refers to the inability of a male to reproduce within a year of trying. Infertilities in males can be caused by different factors, and a large percentage of this is related to low sperm count. The count is "low" when less than 20 million healthy sperms are present per one ml of ejaculate.

It is true that only one sperm is needed and will impregnate an egg. Once a sperm fertilized the egg, the other sperms can no longer fertilize it. Even so a great number of sperms are necessary since they improve the odds of fertilization to occur. Conversely, no one can say that a man with a low sperm number will be totally incapable of impregnating his mate. His sperms, as long as they are healthy and motile, can fertilize an egg. However, with only one traveling in finding the gem the chances are low. The less number of sperms, the less chances a male has in getting his mate pregnant and father a child.

Low sperm count conditions are not permanent. In some instances, this condition is only temporary. This transient low sperm count may be caused by an exposure to critical factors. These factors include testicular injury, exposure to heat and other environmental factors, smoking, drugs, alcohol, some prescribed drugs, obesity, malnutrition, and stress.

To improve the number of sperm, it is therefore crucial not to expose yourself to these factors. Exercising daily can also help lose excess weight and obesity. Try not to stress out yourself with casual routines. Also, avoid saunas and hot tubs. Couple this with eating a balanced diet and healthier lifestyle. In no time your sperm count will be boosted and returns back to normal.

Following these simple tips can help improve sperm count and restore your fertility. A sufficient sperm count is necessary if you and your partner have been trying to have a child.

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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tips For Increasing Low Sperm Count - Beware of Cellphones!

There are so many studies that have shown that cell phones can harm the function of male sperm count. The general theory is: the farther you keep your cell phone away from your genital area, the better your chance for increasing low sperm count. To be exact, scientist have found that cell phone signals can effect five essential issues in semen production. They are:

Motility-how they move to the eggs.
Sperm count-the number of sperm inside certain amount of semen.
Morphology-the proper composition.
Viability-the endurance of sperm in certain conditions.
Liquefaction-how long the semen change from a thick gel into liquid.

So,what's causing the damage? There are many theories. Scientist suspect radio frequency (RF) energy, a form of electromagnetic (EM) energy necessary for making a call. The higher the EM energy emitted, though, the more damaging it can be. While cell phone RFs are considered low energy, young sperm cells are fragile and easily damaged, and thus may be sensitive to even low energy waves. Another theory is that using cell phone without earpiece can impairs the brain's regulation of the hormones that control sperm production. Radio frequencies can also increase the temperature of the newly forming sperm, which is bad if you want to increasing low sperm count.

Now that you know it, should you dump your cell phone? That's probably unnecessary, but being cautious isn't a bad idea. There are some options:

When the option is available, use a land line rather than your cell phone.
Using an an earpiece is highly recommended because it can protect your other sexual organ--your brain.
Avoid keeping your phone in your lap or your front pocket while not using it.
Your Man-bag, your backpack and even a clip-on holder that's positioned at your side are all better options than keeping it in your front pocket.

Well, maybe health effects may not be picked up for a potentially long time. But, given what is known and what is not known, it's not unreasonable to be as careful as you can. Your awareness about these findings can help you increasing low sperm count.

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Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Key genital measurement linked to male fertility

WASHINGTON DC - When it comes to male fertility, it turns out that size does matter.

The dimension in question is not penis or testicle size, but a measurement known as anogenital distance, or AGD.

Men whose AGD is shorter than the median length -- around 2 inches (52 mm) -- have seven times the chance of being sub-fertile as those with a longer AGD, according to a study published on Friday in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives.

That distance, measured from the anus to the underside of the scrotum, is linked to male fertility, including semen volume and sperm count, the study found. The shorter the AGD, the more likely a man was to have a low sperm count.

This offers the prospect of a relatively simple screening test for men, said study co-author Shanna Swan of the University of Rochester Medical Center.

"It's non-invasive and anybody can do it, and it's not sensitive to the kinds of things that sperm count is sensitive to, like stress or whether you have a cold or whether it's hot out," Swan said in a telephone interview.

"If somebody's got a short AGD, particularly if they have problems conceiving, I would say get to the infertility doctor, because the chances are good that something is wrong."

To reach their conclusions, researchers measured the AGDs of 126 men born in or after 1988, a small but statistically significant sample, Swan said.

The study did not address what might cause certain men to have short AGD measurements.

But previous studies, published in 2005 and 2008, looked at the possible link between mothers who were exposed to chemicals called phthalates during pregnancy and the AGD of their infant and toddler sons.

Phthalates are a group of chemicals widely used in industrial and personal care products, including fragrances, shampoos, soaps, plastics, paints and some pesticides.

In these earlier studies, the scientists tested for the presence of phthalates in the pregnant women's urine. They found that women who had high levels of phthalates in their urine during pregnancy gave birth to sons who were 10 times more likely to have shorter than expected AGDs.

Swan, who also co-authored the earlier papers, said they showed the correlation between prenatal phthalate exposure and shorter AGD.

The latest study does not address prenatal phthalate exposure directly, "but it does answer the question of why we should care about AGD," Swan said. "And it does suggest that whatever is altering AGD is also altering sperm count."

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Thursday, February 03, 2011

Premature Ejaculation - Stress is the Bad Guy

I wrote an article awhile back that talked about using masturbation to help relieve the stresses of the day. In view of that, I would like to tell you that studies show that having a stressful day can and does cause premature ejaculation.

We have all heard about performance anxiety and how you can be a superman until you start thinking about your sexual performance and then all of a sudden you now suffer from premature ejaculation. And, it may not go away.

While there are many suggested methods to cure this situation, the bottom line is you have to rid yourself of anxiety and stress. Worrying about your performance is a clear indicator that you will probably perform poorly and/or quickly.

Stress starts in the mind and it causes fear and doubt. Whatever the mind is thinking and creating, the body is sure to follow. So a stressful day may very well produce a stressful evening.

While it is impossible to wipe out stress completely, it is possible to learn to control it, instead of it controlling you. Learn to avoid the negative situations that you have control of.

For example, quit hanging out around the coffee machine when other disgruntled employees are being negative. Avoid the newspaper and other media filled with stress-filled stories. Change your mental environment to rid it of a lot of the unnecessary stress. Prepare to make your mind "fit" again.

The mind isn't the only thing that needs to be fit. your body's physical fitness level is just as much responsible for high stress as your mind. If your body is overweight and out of shape, this causes added stress in the form of poor self-image. You may see yourself as unattractive and now your mind tells your body to act as such.

In summary, it is important to have a fit mind and body. By having this, you will alleviate a lot of stress. Control your environment and eliminate unnecessary garbage that causes worthless stress. Maintain your mental and physical health and more than likely, a healthy sex life will take place. Eliminate stress and you eliminate premature ejaculation.

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

Erectile Dysfunction and Your Heart

There are many factors that can cause Erectile Dysfunction. Erectile Dysfunction is a form of male impotence, which makes it difficult for a man to maintain an erection for a period long enough to perform the sexual act. It can be brought on due to psychological aspects, drugs, diabetes, anatomical problems, and a plethora of other causes.

One aspect, that is important in creating and maintaining an erection, is the cardio-vascular system. This is the heart and the arteries and veins in the body. The heart pumps blood through the arteries and veins and is responsible for keeping the pressure of this blood at levels that are important to the body.

The most important mechanical process of creating and maintaining an erection is the cardio-vascular system. When a man is aroused, the arteries to the penis open up and allow more blood to flow into it. At the same time, the valves in the veins close off to keep this blood (and blood pressure) in the penis. As the man continues to be aroused, the cardio-vascular system keeps pumping blood into the penis and an erection is produced. This continual pressure of blood (pumped from the heart), helps maintain this erection. This how an erection is produced and controlled.

If the cardio-vascular system is weak, there is a chance that this might have an ill-effect on creating and maintaining an erection; especially if there are some restrictions in the vasculature to the penis.

By exercising more, especially cardio-vasuclar-type exercises, such as running or jogging, this can help strengthen the cardio-vascular system and help increase and sustain the pressure required to create and maintain an erection.

If you do suffer from Erectile Dysfunction, it is very important to visit your doctor to find out the underlying cause of this situation. But it is not uncommon for a man to become more physically active to help alleviate the affects of Erectile Dysfunction.

Read Complete article by By Georg Von Neumann at

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

10 Foods That Increase Your Sperm Count

The hustle and bustle of modern life can be severely damaging to the libido (appetite for sex). Most people return home from a grilling day at work too tired to engage in sex. Even most young men are flagging. However, medical experts recommend some testosterone and aphrodisiac foods that help to increase sperm count and sexual performance for men. These libido enhancing foods are also natural enhancement performance for both men and women.

· Banana: this is one the testosterone food that increase male libido and sex drive. It is suggested that banana holds an enzyme which, when consumed, increase male sexual performance.

· Plantain: unripe plantain cooked or roasted has been proven over the years to induce, sustain and maintain erection. It also helps to make semen thick and increases sperm volume.

· Guava: when the leaves of guava plant is boiled or squeezed to extract the liquid content. This liquid content when consumed helps to increase male libido.

· Ginseng: it promotes spermatogenesis (increases sperm count), stimulates sexual glands (both male and female) and increases hormone production, it increases sexual performance, improving both frequency and quality of male erection, and promoting female genital organ excitation.

· Fresh Fish: this is another natural libido enhancing food. It also helps to increase sexual ability.

· Eggs: this is a natural libido enhancer especially when taken raw. It increases semen thickness and sperm volume naturally.

· Carrot: it has also been thought to promote sexual stimulation. This may be due to its high content of vitamins A, C and E. It also helps in detoxifying the liver thus ensuring proper blood flow and distribution of essential nutrients to the sexual organs. It is also believed to stabilize the functions of the sex hormones.

· Chocolate: the consummate aphrodisiac, chocolate is arguably the greatest food for love. For centuries it has been reputed to have qualities, which increases sexual appetite. In fact, chocolate was banned in some monasteries a few centuries ago. Today, as in the past, Valentine Day is celebrated with gifts of chocolate, marking its reputation as part of wooing a lover.

· Oysters: are probably the best known aphrodisiac and testosterone food. This mollusk is thought to resemble the female private part. It helps improve sperm count and increase sexual ability in men.

· Walnut: it decreases the level of cholesterol in the blood; enhance energy and boosts sperm count and quality of spermatozoids (increase sperm volume, increase sperm mobility, increase sperm thickness and increase sperm count).

Certainly, by now, if you are looking for increase sperm tips, you have found them in these testosterone foods that are mentioned above. They also serve as natural sexual dysfunction treatments.

Sex is a gift for the married spouse and it is made to be enjoyed. It also improves and fosters better relationship and sweeter married life between you and your partner.

Read complete article by By Alen Fabianski @

Vajikarana Therapy in Ayurveda

In Ayurveda the treatment that is adopted to increase libido is called "VAJIKARANA". As this therapy increases the strength of a man to perform sexual act, like a horse, it is called 'Vajikarana'. ( 'Vaaji'=Horse.)

Vaajikaranamanvicchet purusho nityamatmawan|
Thadaayattou hi dharmarthou preetishcha yasha yevacha ||
Putrasyaayatanam hyetad gunashchaite sutashrayaha |

This means "The person who takes virility therapy or Vajikarana therapy after rejuvenation therapy gets offspring. Through these offspring he gains the happiness."

The main aim of Vajikarana therapy is to increase the sexual energy of men and help to solve male infertility. Through this therapy men can gain good erection, sperm count and sperm motility. Vajikarana therapy also helps to boost libido.

Who should not consume Vajikarana Preparations?

Ayurveda acharyas have framed few rules for consumption of Vajikarana preparations. These preparations have to be consumed by “jitendriya purusha” or man who has complete control on his senses and desires. If Vajikarana preparations are consumed by “ajitendriya purusha” or man who has lost control over his senses and desire, he may prove harmful to society.

Sexual acts should not be performed by young boys (below 20 years) or aged men (above 70 years). In younger boys formation of dhatus (tissues) will not be complete. If sexual act is performed at this stage they will land into a condition called dhatukshaya in which the nourishment of tissues reduces and they feel weak and fragile. During formative years whole body energy should be channelized for development of body tissues. Especially in boys, the male reproductive system has to develop completely to produce good quality and quantity of semen. If body energy and nourishment is used up in sexual act during initial stages of development, then the development of male reproductive system may become sluggish. This might lead to low sperm count, low motility and infertility (the inability to produce offspring).

In aged persons there will be dahtu kshaya (deterioration of tissues) due to old age. If men above 70 years indulge in sexual act it may further deteriorate dhatus and can hasten ageing. According to ayurveda acharyas “if an aged man performs sexual act his body will be deprived of energy and vitality. He will be lifeless like a dry stick which is infested by insects.” Hence Vajikarana preparations should not be consumed by aged men as these preparations may kindle their sexual desire or libido.

Who has to consume Vajikarana Preparations?

Men above 20 years of age and below 70 years have to consume Vajikarana preparations. Their intensions should be good and their aim must be to produce healthy offspring.

Benefits of Vajikarana Therapy:

•Vajikarana therapy increases hard erections and helps in erectile dysfunction.
•It increases duration of hard erection and prevent premature ejaculation.
•The therapy rejuvenates male reproductive system and helps to increase sperm count and sperm motility.
•It increases body energy level and retards ageing process.
•Men who undergo this therapy look attractive and never get tiered.
•The herbs in Vajikarana therapy nourish male reproductive system.

This article is copy righted. The author Dr.Krishna.R.S is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda Health care for men. contact him . Read more at Importance of Vajikarana Therapy