Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Did You Know That The Rock Underwent Liposuction?

Liposuction is a large and popular field. Hundreds of thousands of Americans get the srugery every year. Among these patients are a number of everyday, common people. However, there are also a fair number of celebrities who have undergone the procedure. Some of them don't come as much of a surprise; most people aren't too shocked when they hear rumors about the Spears sisters or Cher getting a liposuction (also called lipoplasty or suction lipectomy).

However, some of the people on the list might come as a bit of a surprise. One of the biggest shockers might be actor Dwayne Johnson (formerly known as the Rock during his wrestling days). Johnson is well-known for his muscular, ripped physique, and he has starred in such movies as "The Scorpion King" and "Walking Tall."

Unlike many celebrities who try to hide their cosmetic enhancements from the public, Johnson openly admits his surgery. In 2005, he underwent a lipoplasty of the chest in order to correct a case of pseudogynecomastia. Pseudogynecomastia is a condition in which excess fat builds up in the male breast, which can lead to puffy nipples or to a somewhat feminine appearance to the male breast.

Regarding his surgery, Dwayne Johnson said, "It was an aesthetic thing. I went in and showed the doctor, and he said, 'Are you crazy?' I was walking around with my shirt off all the time, so I had it done."

The surgery that the Rock underwent is relatively common among men. Some sources estimate that nearly 50% of all men experience some amount of excessive fat buildup in their breasts. Even if these men don't spend as much time walking shirtless around a wrestling ring as the Rock, many of them nonetheless find it embarassing. Some men with a more extreme case of pseudogynecomastia find that they avoid situations such as swimming, where they would have to take off their shirts.

Liposuction can sometimes help to correct this condition, although typically not iwth the sorts of results that the Rock enjoys! The surgery uses a hollow needle called a cannula to remove the fat through small incisions. The cannula is hooked up to a vacuum device and as it is moved back and forth through the fatty tissue of the breast, it breaks up and suctions out the unwanted fat.

The surgery can only remove fat, so in cases where the breast swelling is caused by the actual inflammation or development of the glandular tissue ("true gynecomastia"), lipoplasty cannot help.

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Enlargement of male breast tissue is known as Gynecomastia. The word Gynecomastia  is derived from two Greek words which means woman breast (Gyne – woman, Mastos – breasts). The enlargement of breast tissue around nipple in men is called true gynecomastia. Fat deposition in male breast is pseudo gynecomastia (pseudo = false).

Many men suffer from this problem. The cause of this condition is uncertain.

1.According to numerous studies hormonal imbalance in men is one of the causes. Hormonal imbalance can occur due to malnutrition, cirrhosis of liver, hyperthyroidism, diseases of male sex organs etc.  Low level of free testosterone leads to enlargement of male breast tissue.  Increased level of estrogen in body of men also leads to this condition.

2.Various medications which are used to treat heart conditions can cause gynecomastia.  Few antibiotics, diuretics, anti ulcer drugs can also cause male breast enlargement.

3.Consumption of Alcohol, heroin, marijuana can be disastrous for male breast health.

4.Obesity causes imbalance of male hormone. Hence obese men are more likely to face this condition.

5.Gynecomastia can occur in infancy and puberty of growing boys. If boy is not obese, it naturally vanishes as age advances.

6.Body builders who use anabolic steroids also face this problem. Anabolic steroids increase testosterone level. Part of the increased testosterone is used by body to build up muscles. The excess amount of testosterone is converted to estrogen hormone. The estrogen hormone causes gynecomastia.

7.Gynecomastia can run in family.

Gynecomastia can be treated with :

1.Testosterone replacement therapy (only in older men),.

2.Hormone balancing medications. Many hormone therapists opine that balancing hormones while treating gynecomastia will also provide relief from other andropause symptoms such as weight gain and erectile dysfunction.

3.Male breast reduction surgery is employed to reduce enlarged breast tissue. The breast tissue is completely removed to reduce the size of male breast. The fat tissue in pseudo gynecomastia is removed through Liposuction. Liposuction is a plastic surgery used for cosmetic purposes. Lipo – means fat. The prefix “Lipo” is usually used to indicate fat. Removing body fat deposits through suction is “Liposuction”. Some times excision of breast tissue and liposuction are combined for an effective treatment. These surgeries help to boost confidence in patient. Usually results are permanent and patient can walk out of hospital with flat firm chest.

4.If gynecomastia is of milder form tight fitting cloths can make men comfortable.

This article is copy righted. The author Dr. Krishna Rao.S is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda Health care for men. Read complete article at Gynecomastia

10 tips for a healthy weight loss

Of late everybody is aware of health risks due to obesity. News papers, Health magazines, TV shows are overly stuffed with advertisements on numerous weight loss diets and fitness routines. This makes it difficult for people to chose the right weight loss and fitness program. The weight loss routine should be programmed keeping many points in view. The occupation of person, age, health ailments (if any), gender,  calories to be burned per day, food habits, addiction etc are few important factors to be considered.

Weight loss regime is a long program. This has to be included in daily routine. Men and women should get used to this program to maintain healthy weight lifelong. Following are beneficial tips which can be easily incorporated in our daily routine.

1.    With the help of a physician or fitness expert decide how much weight you have to lose. This will be calculated according to a person’s age and height .The optimum weight, to keep the body fit can be calculated with the help of BMI charts.

2.    Plan a weight loss program based on the amount of weight to be shred. Spread this plan over a couple of months; so that the weight loss program easily get incorporated in your daily routine, without disturbing your work, energy and family environment.

3.    Stress increases the level of cortisone (stress hormone) in body. Stress hormone is one of the causes for stress induced obesity. Include stress busting methods like deep breathing exercises, meditation and yoga in your daily routine.  Reduced stress level helps in low cortisone level and help in weight loss. Dedicate 15 to 30 minutes daily for stress busting activities.

4.    Increase your physical activities in home and at office. Climbing stairs instead of using lift. Getting up from chair and moving around instead of moving on wheeled office chairs. Walking around the corridors of office during Lunch hour. Parking the vehicle little away and walking to office.  Gardening in week ends. Playing outdoor games with children etc are few regular physical activities which can be easily inserted in our daily routine.

5.    Apart from these fix a particular time of the day compulsorily for exercises. A 30 -  45  minutes of brisk walk is enough in a day.  If you are an employee working in shifts plan your exercise and diet every week. Dedicating 1 hour daily for exercises and stress relievers help to keep your body in good health.

6.    Drink plenty of water. Our body needs water to carry out all functions. Keep aside soft drinks and sugary juices. Replace them with fresh clean water. Water helps to eliminate toxins and rejuvenates the body.

7.    Strictly say no to fast foods, deep fried foods, sweets, bakery snacks and ice creams. Let fresh fruits, raw vegetable salads, almonds, vegetable juices and whole grain biscuits occupy their place.

8.    Keep cheese, paneer , butter and ghee at bay. Instead use fresh home made sauce, grated vegetables, sprout pastes and chutney. Always keep a good stock of fresh vegetables and fruits at home.

9.    Stick on to two meal per day routine. Have planned meal in morning and noon. Avoid heavy food at night. Consuming a bowl of soup and a fruit at night is ideal. Avoid snacking in between. Try to use as less sugar as possible with tea and coffee. Reduce the frequency of consumption of tea and coffee. Stick on to home made food.

10.    Take an active part in sexual life. Increased sexual activity can burn more calories than regular exercises. Active sexual life helps both men and women to look young and energetic.

Keep in mind that obesity directly hits your heart, sexual life, fertility and blood sugar level. Obesity makes a person look old for his or her age. We wish you a happy weight loss routine.

This article is copy righted. The author Dr. Krishna Rao.S is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda Health care for men. Read complete article at 10 tips for Weight Loss

Anti-Aging Skin Care Routine for Men

Most men are not too concerned about skin care and anti aging stuff. They just wash their face with soap and they are good to go. But the thing is, just like women, men also suffer from gradual loss of collagen and elastin in the skin as they age. As we all know, loss of collagen and elastin leads to sagging skin and wrinkles which can make a person look older. The process of skin aging can't be stopped, but you can definitely do something to slow it down. So for the men out there, especially those who are in their twenties and thirties, you need to add some products to your daily skin care regimen to avoid looking old and wrinkly by the time you're in your fifties. You just have to give your skin a little help to look its best. Let me share to you some of them.

1. Clean your face daily, every morning and before you sleep with products suitable for your skin type. This helps get rid of dirt and oil that may cause acne. Just be careful not to overwash your face because it could just make your skin dry. Limit it to two washes per day.

2. Moisturize your face daily with a moisturizer with SPF after washing your face to protect your skin from dryness. Facial moisturizers help in keeping the skin hydrated and it also helps restore moisture in the skin. Make sure that you buy one with SPF so you're protected from the sun's harmful UV rays which is the main cause of premature aging. The higher the SPF, the better.

3. Invest in a good eye cream. The area around the eyes is the most delicate part of the face. It is also the most prone to wrinkles and fine lines so it's very important to keep it hydrated and protected.

4. Invest in a good quality shaving cream and aftershave lotion. Due to constant shaving, men's skin are more prone to irritation, dryness and premature aging. As a tip, it's best to use a shaving cream with moisturizing content and use warm water and aftershave lotion after shaving to prevent dryness.

5. Visit a day spa near you and indulge in a skin care treatment once a month. Facial skin treatments help rejuvenate the skin and remove deep deated dirt that may be trapped on your skin. Some facial treatments even offer anti aging benefits so it's like hitting two birds with one stone. Give your skin the love and pampering it deserves, even for just once a month.

Read article at : http://www.ayurveda-increaselibido.com/wordpress/?p=170