Wednesday, December 30, 2009

What You Eat - Curing Impotence Naturally Through Diet

It is widely understood that psychological, physical and emotional factors are the principal contributing elements of severe impotence. Impotence is categorized as a man's inability to obtain or indeed maintain an erection. This condition is frequently associated with side-effects against a wide variety of physical disorders including diabetes, thyroid disorders, nervous system problems, urinary tract and genital issues. Male impotence can also be attributed to excess stress levels anxiety, guilt, embarrassment or depression. The condition is worsened through alcohol consumption or by excessive amounts of caffeine and too much smoking.

Any man who suffers from impotence will benefit from cutting down on their consumption of caffeine and smoking less. Caffeine and nicotine both help to constrict the blood vessels thereby reducing blood flow. Although consuming alcohol helps to release you of your inhibitions it will not help reduce instances of impotence.

Studies have suggested that men with high blood cholesterol levels run a far more significant risk of developing impotency. Cholesterol, especially high levels, have been shown to partially block the arteries resulting in the blood flow to the penis to be reduced. To prevent yourself running the risk of high cholesterol levels and therefore a narrowing of the penile artery, your diet should include good helpings of fruit and vegetables and whole grains and contain only a small amount of lean meat. You should also ensure that you consume foods which are low in saturated fats.

Zinc rich foodstuffs, good examples are oysters, can act as powerful aphrodisiacs although evidence to suggest this is the case is very limited. It has however been shown that a diet lacking in zinc can lead to impotence in men.

Some research papers have suggested that by taking zinc supplements this can have the effect of improving male potency by raising the levels of the male sex hormone testosterone to normal amounts.

If you are therefore suffering from impotency you will be wise to include good amounts of zinc in your diet through eating good amounts of seafood, lentils, soya beans, lean meat and wheat germ. You may also find taking zinc supplements to be beneficial at the onset of any problems.

Read complete article by Jamie Noone at

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