Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Controlling Premature Ejaculation - There Are Two Ways You Can Get it Under Control

Look, lets just be blunt for a minute. Having a problem with premature ejaculation is no fun at all. The fact that you have this condition not only makes it more difficult to have a relationship with a partner, but it also can really take a toll on your confidence as a whole. If your ready to cure pre-ejaculation then keep reading.
Having a problems with premature ejaculation makes it very difficult to go out and meet new potential partners. It reminds me of the first time I had sex. It was over so fast I barley even knew what happened. I just hoped that she would give me another chance to try and make it last longer.
If you continuously have this problem, I know how difficult it can be. It almost takes the want out of even approaching a potential partner because you are afraid of what would happen should things get intimate. You most times will just avoid the situation just so you are not put in that position just to save yourself the embarrassment.
But that is part of the problem. While there is no doubt that part of it is physical, there is a great deal of it that is mental. You have set yourself up to believe that you are going to ejaculate well before you partner does before you even know their name. Changing your mind set is the first thing you have to do.
The other thing you need to do is get as much practice as you can. Hopefully you have a partner who understands the situation. All you need to do is practice the pull out method for a while. Just go as long as you can and then before you are getting close to ejaculating pull out. Just hold off for a couple minutes until you get it under control and then continue.
Read complete article by Brian J.Miller at

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