Friday, July 26, 2013

Weight Loss Tips For Men Over 50 – 3 Fantastic Tips For Permanent and Fast Weight Loss

Weight loss tips for men over 50 need to be carefully considered because there are special considerations for men of this (or any other) age. In this article, I’ll share with you three of my own personal tips that helped me to lose 50 pounds of weight myself. They should be able to help you too.

Tip 1 – Only Moderate Exercise

Men at your age should not suddenly start to do vigorous exercise. In fact, anyone who is overweight is not supposed to, according to what doctors say.

Not to worry though, because exercise is not the key to losing weight. But it can help accelerate your weight losses and make you feel better and keep away your hunger pangs so it is no bad thing.

I suggest nothing more vigorous than walking or riding a bike.

Tip 2 – Count Your Calories

Some people say that you should not count your calories. I disagree! It really helped me to count calories when I first started to lose weight.

Know what your maximum is. At your age, you probably need around 2,200 to 2,400 calories per day.

To lose a pound of weight per week, you should have a daily calorific deficit of around 500 calories so this means eating no more than 1,700 to 1,900 calories per day.

This is a rule that you must adhere to. At least, if you cheat then you know you are cheating. This rule cannot be easily bent so this is a good thing!

Tip 3 – Take It Easy And Slow

The more of a shock a weight loss effort is to you then the less likely you will be to succeed. If all the above sounds daunting to you, then just take it one step at a time.

e.g. forget the exercise to start with and just start by cutting 200 daily calories from your diet.

rapid weight loss tips for men

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Monday, July 22, 2013

Erectile Dysfunction – Libido Spiced Up With Antioxidants

Although there are several causes of erectile dysfunction this condition is commonly associated with chronic diseases such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, heart disease and others. Free radical damage and oxidative stress are pathological processes that underlie most chronic degenerative diseases. They are also largely responsible for the erectile dysfunction associated with these conditions.

Initiating and sustaining an erection depends on a number of physiological process; the most important of these being an adequate blood flow to the corpus cavernosum (the principal erectile tissue in the penis). This in turn depends on normal functioning blood vessels that supply blood to the penis and its erectile tissue.

An erection cannot be achieved without the action of nitric oxide on the blood vessels of the penis and its spongy corpus cavernosum. The erectile process is initiated by the nervous system – either through a spinal reflex (when there is direct stimulus to the penis) or by way of nerve signals from the brain. The relevant nerves, when stimulated via either pathway, release nitric oxide from their nerve endings in the penis.

However, the maintenance of an erection depends on the nitric oxide that is release from the endothelial lining of the penile blood vessels. If the blood vessels malfunction as a result of disease processes such as heart disease and diabetes the individual concerned will not be able to achieve or sustain an erection.

Endothelial function is curtailed when free radical damage and oxidative stress occurs – as it always does in these conditions.

Recent studies have found that antioxidants can reverse endothelial malfunction thereby improving blood flow to the penis. They do this by neutralizing the free radicals responsible for oxidative stress and endothelial damage in the relevant blood vessels.

Researchers have shown that antioxidant supplements can improve erectile function by 35% in the presence of poor endothelial function due to diabetes or metabolic syndrome. Sildenefil improves erectile function by 45% in these conditions while a combination of antioxidants and sildenefil acts synergistically to enhance penile blood supply by 50%.

As antioxidants are crucial in the prevention and treatment of heart disease, metabolic syndrome and diabetes, it is not surprising that they help associated conditions such as erectile dysfunction as well.

The evidence is clear that antioxidants play a vital role in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. When it comes to naturally occurring foods in the diet spices have the highest antioxidant activity of all food groups including fruit and vegetables (American Journal of Clinical Nutrition July 2006 and US Department of Agriculture 2007).

It goes without saying that if you add more spices to your diet not only will you improve your general health but you will spice up your sex life too!Say spices for libido  .they are natural libido boosters for men

Saturday, July 06, 2013

Never Do these six things when you have Diabetes

The dos and don’ts with food in diabetes are many. Here are six important dos and don’ts for diabetes which have to be followed to keep healthy in this condition.

Don’t eat junk foods- Junk foods provide only calories they never contain any essential nutrients. Hence don’t eat junk foods. Instead take healthy diet which is rich in vegetables, fruits and whole grains. But watch your carbohydrate intake. Limit Sugar and fat.

Don’t Miss Vitamin B12:  Deficiency of Vitamin B12 worsens diabetic neuropathy. In diabetic neuropathy the nerve endings in skin get damaged and affect the sensation of touch  and pain in hands and feet.

The New York Times bestselling author of Eat to Live and Super Immunity and one of the country’s leading experts on preventive medicine offers a scientifically proven, practical program to prevent and reverse diabetes—without drugs. At last, a breakthrough program to combat the rising diabetes epidemic and help millions of diabetics, as well as those suffering with high blood pressure and heart disease. Dr. Joel Fuhrman, the research director of the nutritional research project of the National Health Association, shows you how to live a long, healthy, and happy life—disease free. He offers a complete health transformation, starting with a diet with a high nutrient-per-calorie ratio that can be adapted for individual needs. Dr. Fuhrman makes clear that we don’t have to “control” diabetes. Patients can choose to follow better nutritional guidelines that will control it for them, even before they have lost excess weight. The end result is a medical breakthrough—a comprehensive reversal of the disease.

Until Dr. Barnard’s scientific breakthrough, most health professionals believed that once you developed diabetes, you were stuck with it—and could anticipate one complication after another, from worsening eyesight and nerve symptoms to heart and kidney problems. But as this groundbreaking work reveals, this simply is not true. In a series of studies—the most recent funded by the National Institutes of Health—Dr. Barnard has shown that it is possible to repair insulin function and reverse type 2 diabetes. By following his scientifically proven, life-changing program, diabetics can control blood sugar three times more effectively than with the standard diet; and cut back on and in some cases eliminate medications while reducing the risk of diabetes complications. "The long overdue epic scientific breakthrough in diabetes is here…an obvious must-read for health professionals and for diabetic and potential diabetic patients." —Caldwell B. Esselstyn, Jr., MD, preventive cardiology consultant, Cleveland Clinic "This is the approach to follow…the clinically proven way to get your blood sugar under control… and start living again."—John McDougall, MD, founder and medical director of the McDougall program "Dr. Barnard’s book is no exaggeration…The signs and symptoms of diabetes can be reversed, and he’s got the evidence to prove it."—Jennie Brand-Miller, PhD, author of The New Glucose Revolution

Don’t Smoke – Diabetes leads to complications like heart disease, stroke and circulation problems. Smoking adds to the risk of developing all of these things. In some cases, smoking can double the likelihood of these conditions, as well as doubling the chances of suffering from kidney problems and erectile dysfunction related to diabetes.

Don’t skip Meals – In diabetes the sugar level keep on fluctuating. When meals are skipped it leads to hypoglycemia or low sugar in blood. This surfaces with symptoms like sweating and shakiness.

Don’t Consume Alcohol:  Alcohol when absorbed in body affects the neurological functions. It acts as a toxin to nerves. This worsens the diabetic neuropathy. Due to alcohol the liver gets stressed. There will be a deficient intake of nutrients when a person consumes alcohol. Nutrition deficiency worsens the symptoms and health risks of diabetes

Don’t avoid fiber diet: Eat as much whole grains as possible. Include vegetables and fruits which are rich in fiber. This helps to keep the bowel movement normal and also reduce cholesterol. Diabetes accelerates aging process. The antioxidants in these green vegetables and fruits slow down aging process.

Don’t be a coach potato: Increase your physical activity. A moderate physical exercise like walking helps to control fluctuating blood level and boost blood circulation to all parts of body. Regular exercise aids weight loss and helps to keep obesity at bay.

This article is copyrighted.Author Dr.Krishna.R.S is webmaster of Ayurveda health Care for men. Read more at

How To Increase Your Sperm Volume

How to increase your sperm volume is a question that many men ask? The problem here is that some men find that after they ejaculate, barely any sperm comes out. This can cause worry and upset that there may be some form of medical deficiency with their genitals, which while might be the case, there is probably a more common explanation.

There are many things that can affect the sperm count in males; most can be corrected quite easily, while some can not. Hopefully by the end of this article you will understand the causes of low sperm count, and ways in which you can increase it.

A list of the more common causes would be: tight underwear, sitting for long hours, obesity, hot baths, smoking and excessive alcohol abuse, stress and constant ejaculation. Rarer causes would include malformed genital organs and infections to the prostate glands.

So now you know a short list of causes, you’re probably wondering how on earth you can help yourself. Well there are many ways; some easier than others, so let’s start to analyze the list of causes provided as to how you can help yourself.

Constricting underwear and sitting for long hours can produce unnecessary pressure on your testicles, which in turn reduces your sperm count. The obvious answer is to buy underwear that fits, and try to take a break and walk about a bit. Even if you’re in an office, you can get up and go to the toilet, or get a drink, anything that will relieve the pressure of sitting on your testicles all day.

Obesity presents the same problem. Fat layers can sag on your testicles, causing the pressure again. It can also heat up the testicles. The whole point of having the testicles outside of the body is so that they can operate in a cooler environment, as our body’s internal temperature is at 98.6 degrees. This is why taking hot baths can also decrease your sperm levels, as it raises the temperature too much for them to operate properly.

Alcohol and smoking are common culprits for the infertility of men. Pumping harmful substances into your body can cause hormonal imbalances, and can in turn cause less sperm to be created. Try cutting down on both to help increase your sperm count and prevent total infertility.

Reducing your stress levels can be a huge help. Higher stress levels are going to cause a reduction in your sex drive, which in turn is going to decrease your sperm levels when you ejaculate. There are many options for you to help cure stress, for instance, massages before sex are perfect as they help reduce stress levels while at the same time, increase your libido through physical contact.

Constant ejaculation is an obvious one. Constantly ejaculating will cause less and less sperm to come out, simply because your testicles don’t have the time to create enough. Try taking a break from it for about 2 days, and then your sperm count should have restored enough for you to see a noticeable difference.

If none of the above reasons are affecting you, then you may have a medical problem. It is important to see a doctor about it, as it may be an infection on your prostate. Don’t hesitate too long else you could become infertile permanently.

Read complete article at How To Increase Your Sperm Volume

Who Requires Vajikarana Therapy ?

In texts of Yogaratnakara the eligibility for Vajikarana therapy is very well explained. The following persons can undergo Vajikarana therapy.
 A person who is interested in sex and sexual activities- Persons who are interested in sexual activities and who have intense urge for these type of activities , need immense energy. Such persons can undergo Vajikarana Therapy which contains Vajikarana herbs to boost their sexual energy level.

A man who is sexually active and young can also consume these Vajikarana preparations to maintain the same energy levels and to prevent early degeneration of male reproductive system.
Aging takes a toll on sexual functions of men. Men who are aging and think that they are losing sexual energy can also consume these preparations.
ncreased sexual activities like repeated intercourse, masturbation etc reduce energy of men. This leads to reduction in quality and quantity of semen. Semen reduction cause erectile dysfunction or impotence. Vajikarana therapy is one of the best natural remedies for erectile dysfunction.
Men who want their offspring or children to be born with good health can opt for Vajikarana therapy.
Men who want to keep erectile dysfunction or impotence, premature ejaculation, low sperm count and low sperm motility at bay can use this.
 This article is copyrighted Author Dr.Krishna.R.S Read more at  Who requires Vajkarana Therapy