Tuesday, July 31, 2012

3 Commonly Overlooked Dangers Of Crash Dieting

Millions of people resort to crash dieting every year with the same staggering effects: They feel worse after the crash dieting than before! Crash dieting can be dangerous for your overall health and fitness. Let's take a look at some of the dangers of crash dieting and you tell me if you've done some of these things before, ok?

Danger #1 - Trying to lose a lot of weight really fast.

You simply can't do this. The human body was not made to operate like this. When you try to lose weight fast, you run the risk of not only losing weight, but you may also be losing muscle. Losing muscle will affect your ability to lose fat and then you end up making your body basically work against itself to lose weight.

Danger #2 - Crash dieting screws up your metabolism.

When you try to lose weight fast, your body will react by slowing down your metabolism to reserve your energy that the body has stored in fat. When you skip meals or drastically reduce the amount of calories that you normally eat, your body will look to its fat stores as a way to supplement the calories that it's not receiving. This means that your metabolism will slow down a lot and if your metabolism is slow, then that means that you're not naturally burning fat quickly or efficiently.

Danger #3 - Crash dieting is not a long term solution.

Most people that crash diet rebound with a stronger appetite than they had previously simply because their body still wants the higher amount of calories that it was used to before the diet. This leads to quick weight gain because by this point your metabolism is so slow that it can't burn the calories as fast as before. You end up gaining the weight that you lost right back in record time, feeling miserable along the way.

The easiest and simplest way to avoid all of these dangers is to lose weight slowly. Your body was not made to lose 5 or 10 pounds a week. It was made to lose 1 to 2.5 pounds a week at most. Even better, simply try to focus on losing no more than 1% of your body weight each week. This is the healthiest approach that you can take to losing weight and you'll feel better and healthier every step of the way.

Read complete article at http://www.ayurveda-increaselibido.com/wordpress/?p=163

Monday, July 23, 2012

Health Benefits of weight loss

Weight gain leads to obesity. Obese people are at an increased health risk than normal persons. The excess amount of fat which increase body weight has to be reduced in order to keep various obesity related diseases at bay. Here is a list of health benefits of weight reduction.

Obese or over weighted persons look older for their age and they get easily tiered. Lethargy and laziness makes them to keep away from their regular work and experience psychological problems like disturbed sleep, anxiety and depression. Weight reduction helps them to look and feel better. Their young look returns and they gain back their self confidence. The lethargy vanishes paving way to enthusiasm and increased energy levels. It becomes easier for them to walk long distances and climbing stairs without shortness of breath.

Obesity leads to chronic health problems like hypertension, diabetes, stroke and heart diseases. Both obese men and women are prone to these obesity related diseases. These can be prevented with dedicated weight loss programs and determination to lose weight. Even a loss of few pounds of weight help to keep these fatal health risks away.

Arthritis, menstrual irregularities, polycystic ovaries and gallstones are other health conditions which surface when a person gains weight. Knees are weight bearing joints of body. Increased body weight causes trauma to knees leading to osteoarthritis. Carefully designed weight loss programs help to overcome the above said health conditions.

Obesity or weight gain may cause erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low sperm count in men. It causes low libido in both men and women. The sexual activities tend to take a back seat in an obese persons daily routine. Weight loss exercises help to gain back sexual energy and virility.

Type I and Type II diabetes have been linked to being overweight. Regular exercise and balanced food help to reduce the effects of diabetes. Weight reduction in diabetic people help to reduce the dependency on diabetic medications.

Weight loss help to prevent development of many types of cancers. Recurrences of many types of cancers have been linked to obesity.

Psychological disturbances like sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression etc can be improved with weight loss programs. Increased physical activities help to get a good night’s sleep.

Exercises like brisk walking, jogging, running, swimming etc are good fat burners. Involving in sports, gardening, hiking etc in outdoor activities also keep men and women fit. These activities act as best stress busters and help to reduce stress related obesity too. Proper nutrition and balanced diet is equally needed along with these physical exercises to burn fat and reduce weight. So put on your shoes to reap the benefits of weight loss and regain the lost energy, stamina and health.

This article is copy righted. The author Dr. Krishna Rao.S is an Ayurvedic Physician and web master of Ayurveda Health care for men. Read complete article at 7 benefits of weight loss

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Safed Musli Plant and Natural Bodybuilding Supplements

Safed Musli, also known as chlorophytum borivilianum is a rare plant found in India which has recently proven to be a very beneficial addition to natural bodybuilding supplements. Well known for its abilities as an aphrodisiac, Safed Musli has become increasingly popular and sought out worldwide. It is an herb which appears annually and is able to withstand major changes in climate. The plant belongs to the Liliaceae family and is typically grown in Andhra Pradesh. Safed Musli plants stand approximately one and a half feet high with long, skinny leaves which are deep green and white with tuberous roots.

Its outstanding medicinal properties have become an important staple in bodybuilding supplements.

Safed Musli is comprised of many steroidal glycosides. It contains compounds such as 8-hexadecenoic acid, palmitic acid, 3-heptadecanone, methyl pentacosanoate and stearic acid.

The ever-growing interest in natural products has boosted the demand for Safed Musli especially in Europe, the United States and countries in the Gulf. With increasing popularity around the world, the plant is continually being researched and tested in new herbal remedies and products.

Ancient Use of the Safed Musli Plant in India
The Safed Musli plant is traced back to India where it has been used for many years as a vital medicinal plant. The species first attracted attention in 1954 in India as it was incorporated into many Ayurvedic tonics and used as an aphrodisiac. From there it began to reach rare status as demand for the plant dramatically increased. The plant has been an integral part of Ayurdvedic medicine, treating conditions from diabetes to arthritis and even high cholesterol.

Ayurvedic literature celebrates Safed Musli as a miracle plant with amazing abilities. Some of this literature includes Rasendra Sarsangrah, Bhavaprakash nighantu and Raja Ballabh Nighantu where the plant is referred to as "Vajikaran" meaning aphrodisiac.

Saponins, A Key Ingredient

The underlying benefits of the Safed Musli plant are the saponins within in. Saponins are found in the roots and have tremendous therapeutic abilities. Their name is derived from the Latin word for "soap" which refers to the frothy nature of saponins when they are combined with water.

Saponins contain natural medicinal properties which promote optimum health. They are involved in hemolysis, stimulate the immune system, act as an expectorant and reduce inflammation. Saponins also contain properties that combat fungi, bacteria and protozoa.

Aside from the Safed Musli plant, saponins can be found in many other forms in nature. These include the following: fenugreek herb, ginseng, red onions, soy beans, agave plant, bacopa monierri, paprika, alfalfa herb and disogenin which comes from wild yam root.

Modern Use of Safed Musli in Bodybuilding Supplements
Recently, research on how the saponins contained in Safed Musli effect testosterone has shown traces of stigmasterol as well as hecogenin. Both of these components are ideal ingredients for natural bodybuilding supplements  Stigmasterol shares a similar structure to testosterone. It is believed to latch on to the same body receptors that testosterone attaches to which causes stigmasterol to act nearly the same as testosterone. In similar fashion, hecogenin has an ability to convert to specific compounds that resemble testosterone and yields the same results on the body.

Taking supplements containing Safed Musli benefit the body in many different ways. They can improve strength and physical endurance, buffer lactic acid, fight general body weakness, aid in recovering from the physical exhaustion of exercise and build muscle mass while lowering heart and respiration rates as well as systolic blood pressure. Other effects include an elevated libido, sperm count and helping to increase spermatosis.

Additional Uses of Safed Musli  

Besides its uses as a bodybuilding agent, the Safed Musli plant is frequently used for the following: an alternative to the popular drug Viagra, a cure for weakness and debilitating illnesses, a therapeutic practice in Ayurveda, Allopathy and Unani, remedies for arthritis and diabetes, a drug to help improve immune functions as well as a cure for natal and post-natal complications.


A little weight loss may help obese men improve sexual health

Obese men who want to improve their sexual health might have another solution besides their erectile dysfunction drugs. A study finds that overweight men who lost just 5% of their weight over eight weeks saw improvements in erectile dysfunction, sexual desire and urinary tract symptoms.

The small study focused on 31 obese men with a body mass index of 30 or greater and who had Type 2 diabetes. Some were put on a low-calorie diet that included liquid meal replacements and others were assigned to a high-protein, low-fat diet that decreased their calorie intake by 600 calories a day. For 42 weeks afterward the participants stayed on the high-protein diet, or were switched to it.

Those on the low-calorie diet lost 10% of their body weight and 10% off their waist circumference, and those on the high-protein diet lost 5% of their weight and waist circumference. But participants in both groups improved their plasma glucose, LDL ("bad") cholesterol, erectile function, urinary symptoms, sexual desire and endothelial function. Endothelial cells form a thin layer and line the inside surface of blood vessels. Dysfunctional cells can be a marker for vascular disease and may signal early development of athersclerosis.

Weight loss and improvement of insulin sensitivity, the authors wrote, could increase the production of testicular testosterone, and in turn, enhance sexual function.

"Our findings are consistent with the evidence that not only erectile function, but also lower urinary tract symptoms are a marker of cardio-metabolic risk," said Dr. Gary Wittert of the University of Adelaide in Australia, in a news release. "The evidence that improvement can be achieved by modest weight loss, in particular when a diet is of high nutritional quality, is of public health significance in framing public health messages that resonate with men."

read complete article at http://www.ayurveda-increaselibido.com/wordpress/?p=150

Friday, July 06, 2012

The Benefits of Natural Bodybuilding Techniques

Natural bodybuilding techniques are those methods that enable one to build muscle without the use of artificial-and often illegal-injected or ingested substances. The most common class of artificial substances used for this purpose are anabolic steroids which, despite strong warnings from health officials, continues to be used by bodybuilders who want to see fast results from their workouts.

But there is a terrifying risk in choosing steroids over natural bodybuilding techniques.

Health Risk of Steroid Abuse

Anabolic steroids are artificially produced testosterone, a male hormone. Because it is a male hormone, this drug increases strength, energy, and muscle mass. Bodybuilders, and other athletes, are attracted to steroid use because of its purported-and often very apparent-muscle enhancement effects in a very short period of time and for a relatively small amount of effort. (In general, those who take steroids are able to build significantly more muscle mass as compared with those who follow strictly natural bodybuilding techniques).

But the health risks related to steroid abuse cannot be overstated. Some of these risks include:

Heart attack. Steroids have been shown to have at least three different effects on the heart: (a) they can lower the good type of cholesterol (HDL) and raise the bad type of cholesterol (LDL) in the blood. (b) they can raise the blood pressure and (c) they can literally damage the heart by enlarging the left ventricle.
Liver damage
Prostate cancer due to steroid's tendency to enlarge the prostate gland
Sexual impotence

These and many other health effects of steroid abuse (up to and including death) should give one pause before choosing this method over natural bodybuilding techniques. But there is one more aspect to consider.

Steroids-a Temporary Fix

Despite its much-vaunted ability to "pump up" an athlete quickly, steroids have another reputation that is not as well recognized-they are a temporary fix. Indeed, the muscle that steroids build so quickly will just as quickly diminish once one stops taking steroids, say experts.

This is why many athletes suffer from long-term steroid abuse-to maintain its muscle-enhancing effects, they must continue taking this synthetic hormone. Continued steroid abuse then leads to higher risks of adverse health effects.

It would appear, then, that the only benefit of steroid use is this temporary advantage, but this advantage is accompanied by serious (and often irreversible) effects upon the user's physical and sometimes emotional health.

Benefits of Natural Bodybuilding Techniques

In contrast to steroids, natural bodybuilding techniques offer a number of benefits to bodybuilders and other athletes. Some of these benefits include:

An absence of unhealthy side effects
Long-lasting results with respect to enhanced musculature, which do not dissipate as is the case with steroid use
Workouts are positive reinforcers, as compared to excessive testosterone use which interferes with the release of endorphins
In general, however, there is not much of a difference between natural and "unnatural" bodybuilding techniques. The types of exercises and training routines are the same in both cases. However, one's training schedule will likely change. Since steroids speed up the repair time of the muscles, those that use these synthetic hormones are able to have more intense, and more frequent, training sessions as compared with those who use natural bodybuilding techniques.

Nutrition Tips for Natural Bodybuilders

Experts consider proper nutrition to be one of the most significant factors in natural bodybuilding. Although opinions regarding what constitutes proper nutrition for bodybuilders varies, many experts recommend that, of all of the calories a bodybuilder consumes each day:

- 30 percent should be a form of protein
- 50 percent should be derived from carbohydrates
- 20 percent should be from healthy fats

In addition, one should minimize, to the greatest extent possible, the consumption of sugar and of processed foods. Of course, this is true for all individuals.

Bodybuilding Techniques

According to Iron Magazine, "[t]he trick with weight training is that you need to actually rest more than you need to train. When you train with weights, you are breaking down the fibers in the muscles of your body." In order to successfully build muscle, it is necessary to rest those same muscles the day after training. Thus, if you work the muscles of the upper body one day, do not work those same muscles the next day. A good training technique, therefore, is to work different muscle groups on alternate days.

In addition, Iron Magazine suggests a number of natural bodybuilding techniques that have been proven to increase muscle mass relatively quickly. These varied techniques prevent the body from becoming too comfortable with a particular training routine and will enable the muscles to be more responsive to training.

Stalled repetitions. Stop at the midway point of a repetition and hold it for a few seconds before completing the repetition. This can be modified by stopping the movement during different points in the range of motion.

Forced repetitions. Use as many repetitions of a particular weight as is necessary to force the muscles to fatigue or failure (a point at which another repetition cannot be performed).

Load Pyramiding. Add additional weight with each successive set of repetitions.

Repetition pyramiding. Use a consistent amount of weight, gradually increasing the number of repetitions for each successive set.

As always, consult a doctor before starting this, or any, exercise routine. Bodybuilding is particularly strenuous so this caution is particularly advisable before embarking on this path.

Natural bodybuilding techniques are becoming increasingly popular with athletes who desire a increased muscle mass without the side effects of muscle enhancing drugs. By choosing natural methods, including those rare supplements that have been proven through clinical studies to assist performance enhancement without unhealthy side effects, these athletes can take pride in the fact that any muscle they build is derived from hard work, discipline and healthy habits as opposed to use of dangerous drugs.

Read complete article at http://www.ayurveda-increaselibido.com/wordpress/?p=146

Raising Your Testosterone Levels Naturally

As a bodybuilder, you are probably looking to raise your testosterone levels. Many men unfortunately choose to take steroids and controversial supplements. While these do have some medical uses, long-term use is not recommended and there are much healthier, natural ways to go about it.

Bodybuilders who want to increase their muscle mass need to eat foods that are natural estrogen suppressors. Since estrogen produces body fat, the less you have of it the more you will have of the lean muscle created by your higher testosterone levels.

The best way to boost any chemical in your body and promote the health we all want is diet. Exercise is important too but without a healthy diet, all the exercise in the world won't help. Learning what foods are better than others for production of this or that chemical can help you to achieve any results you want with your body.

There are plenty of foods that can help increase testosterone. Garlic is one but you must make sure to eat actual garlic rather than take supplements because the supplements have little to none of the compound allicin, which is what boosts the testosterone levels. Eggs, especially the yolks, are also good because they boost your cholesterol, which also produces testosterone.

Anything containing the mineral zinc will help produce muscle mass, which boosts testosterone. Oysters are one food that you should include because of the high levels of zinc they contain.

Monounsaturated fats like those found in nuts, olive oil, and peanut butter are also good for increasing testosterone in men. It's not known why but some scientists think the monounsaturated fats have an effect on the testes.

Once you've got your diet straightened out, focus on exercises. Things like walking aren't going to benefit you much but activities like weight lifting are great. Focus on exercises such as squats and deadlifts that work multiple sets of muscles to get the best effect.

Other ways to naturally raise your testosterone are having sex, especially in the morning, getting plenty of sleep, and limiting the amount of alcohol you drink. Having sex boosts the testosterone production, as does sleep. At least seven to eight hours of sleep a night will help keep you in tip top shape. Alcohol reduces the amount of testosterone produced so drinking too much of it isn't a good idea if you're trying to bulk up.

A healthy lifestyle and activities combined with certain foods and a lot of exercise will help you to boost those testosterone levels naturally and build up that muscle mass before you know it.

Read complete article at http://www.ayurveda-increaselibido.com/articles/bodybuilding-testosterone.html