Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Temporary Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction was considered for pretty long time a condition that affect men in their mature age, generally speaking the ones that are older. However, this is not exactly like this. Impotence problem are able to happen even when a man is in college.

However, things are not that bad and most of such cases are temporary and there is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed about. It is always hard for men, however. It hurts their self-confidence and self-assurance and puts a question mark on their whole concept of masculinity. Good news is that erectile dysfunction is not as scary as it may seem and with proper knowledge and attendance it is easily treated.

Temporary erectile dysfunction is evoked generally either by physical or psychological factors. The latter are even more frequent than the former ones. They include depression, stress and anxiety factors and interfere with having erections pretty much and even in young men. What concerns physical reasons, they can be drugs, alcohol and smoking. These three factors are responsible for the physical inability to maintain erection for the most part. Medications are also capable to evoke erection problems. A lot of drugs have got side-effect list and it is recommended to be aware of it beforehand.

Luckily, temporary erectile dysfunction is pretty easy to cure. One of the first steps to take is to get the understanding of the reasons and eliminating any factors that are able in any way to evoke problems with erection. This may mean having enough sleep and getting sufficient rest as well as avoiding any stressful situations or giving up bad habits. The latter step works in the majority of cases with 100% effect.

It is also a very common wrong belief that a man should be able and ready to perform any time, all the time, but this is really impossible. When you need good healthy sleep and your body gives you certain signs where is no surprise that you may have troubles achieving erection - your body knows better what it needs.

Once again, it is very important to get rid of all the stressful factors in life, if any problems with erection occur. Otherwise, troubles will be there no matter how hard you try. It is recommended to learn to relax and stay positive. A lot of specialists advise yoga, massage as well as any physical activity as stress-removing factors. These activities are able to distract and fill with energy and positivity and therefore improve general health as well as erection.

Read complete article by Nataly Meyers @

Obesity and Erectile Dysfunction

Researchers have found that men with increased BMI (Body Mass Index) have a higher risk of erectile dysfunction. The quality of life of men is affected by erectile dysfunction. Sexual performance of obese men is almost equal to the performance of man with normal weight who is 20 years older.

Erection requires a sequence of events. Erectile dysfunction can occur when any of the events is disturbed. Nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column, around the penis and response in muscles, fibrous tissues, veins, and arteries in and around the corpora cavernosa constitute this sequence of events. Injury to any of these parts which are part of this sequence ( nerves, arteries, smooth muscles, fibrous tissue ) can cause Erectile Dysfunction.

According to principles of ayurveda kapha dosha and medho dhatu are vitiated in obese persons. These doshas block srotas (different vital channels which carry signals , nutrients , blood etc ). When srotas are blocked the blood flow and supply of nutrients to male reproductive system gets affected. Even the flow of signals is interrupted. This leads to erectile dysfunction.

Obesity affects the blood vessels of penis. Obesity leads to accumulation of cholesterol on the inner walls of penile artery (Atherosclerosis). The diameter of penile artery is very small. Atherosclerosis further reduces the penile artery’s diameter leading to reduced blood flow. Reduced blood flow to penis tissues causes erectile dysfunction.

The production of testosterone a male hormone is affected in men who are obese. The testosterone level is usually below normal in over weighted men. Low testosterone level causes erectile dysfunction and low libido. This condition is known as hypogonadism.

Psychological factors also play a role in obese men. Obese persons usually have low a self esteem. Anxiety, stress, depression also affect the sexual performance of obese persons. Thus psychological factors can cause erectile dysfunction in obese men.

Natural tips to improve erectile dysfunction in obese men:

Concentrate on weight loss
Increase physical activity.
A brisk walk daily for 45 minutes helps in a long way.
Include whole grains, dry fruits, and vegetables in your diet.
Avoid deep fried, junk foods and soft drinks.
Drink coffee and tea with less sugar or no sugar.
Do not consume sweets, cakes and pastries etc which contain margarine.
Say no to chocolates and ice creams.
Avoid red meat and consume fish.
Vigorous exercise and increased physical activity lower the risk of erection problems by 30%.

These methods help obese men to improve erectile dysfunction.

This article is copyrighted. Read Complete article by Dr.Krishna.R.S @