Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Controlling Premature Ejaculation - There Are Two Ways You Can Get it Under Control

Look, lets just be blunt for a minute. Having a problem with premature ejaculation is no fun at all. The fact that you have this condition not only makes it more difficult to have a relationship with a partner, but it also can really take a toll on your confidence as a whole. If your ready to cure pre-ejaculation then keep reading.
Having a problems with premature ejaculation makes it very difficult to go out and meet new potential partners. It reminds me of the first time I had sex. It was over so fast I barley even knew what happened. I just hoped that she would give me another chance to try and make it last longer.
If you continuously have this problem, I know how difficult it can be. It almost takes the want out of even approaching a potential partner because you are afraid of what would happen should things get intimate. You most times will just avoid the situation just so you are not put in that position just to save yourself the embarrassment.
But that is part of the problem. While there is no doubt that part of it is physical, there is a great deal of it that is mental. You have set yourself up to believe that you are going to ejaculate well before you partner does before you even know their name. Changing your mind set is the first thing you have to do.
The other thing you need to do is get as much practice as you can. Hopefully you have a partner who understands the situation. All you need to do is practice the pull out method for a while. Just go as long as you can and then before you are getting close to ejaculating pull out. Just hold off for a couple minutes until you get it under control and then continue.
Read complete article by Brian J.Miller at

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Obesity Erectile Dysfunction - How to Stop it Today!

There are a lot of known causes of male erectile dysfunction. Illnesses like diabetes and high blood pressure can cause this condition as does obesity. Obesity is a condition that is brought about by an unhealthy lifestyle characterized by overeating of fatty foods and an extreme lack of activity. A person who is obese is overweight and plump with body fat unevenly distributed throughout his body. It is not seldom that a person who is obese would also suffer from psychological distress brought about by feelings of confusion, depression, and anxiety. Obesity is a condition does not only bring about obesity erectile dysfunction, but also other chronic illnesses such as myocardial infraction, atherosclerosis, and kidney problems.

Obesity erectile dysfunction is caused primarily by lack of blood circulation in the penile area. This is usually brought about by excessive fat that builds up and blocks the blood vessels causing a decreased flow of blood through the veins in the penis. The lack of blood circulation also starves the organ of the necessary nourishment, hormones, and oxygen to stimulate erection. All these result from the excess fat that is not burned out by the body clogging the blood vessels and can be remedied by substantially limiting fat intake if not altogether banishing it from the diet temporarily or permanently.
Another cause for obesity erectile dysfunction is the inability of obese people to release nitric oxide due to epithelium damage. Nitric oxide is a necessary chemical that causes the penile muscles to relax and allow blood flow to enter and achieve erection. In people suffering from obesity erectile dysfunction, the epithelial layer of the heart that stimulates erection is unable to release nitric oxide because of excessive damage resulting from excessive insulin production for metabolizing bad cholesterol. This too can be stopped by controlling cholesterol intake and consequently insulin production of the body.
Treating obesity erectile dysfunction is best done through treating the root cause of the condition which is obesity. Diet and exercise are simple enough solutions to this condition. But much effort has to be exerted by one who is obese in sticking to a strict diet and exercise regimen to bring results. Eating food rich in vitamins and minerals necessary for stress-reduction and enhanced blood circulation can help put a stop to erectile dysfunction due to obesity. Vitamins C, E and B complex and zinc are essential minerals for cholesterol reduction, blood circulation stimulation, and energy and protein metabolism. Herbal medicines are also found to be effective in providing cure for erectile dysfunction. Gingko biloba and ginseng are among those herbal cures recommended for treatment of the condition. These natural ways of improving erectile dysfunction are recognized as the best way to deal with the condition as they have no side effects and are widely available.
Read complete article by Kelly Purden at

Friday, January 02, 2009

The medicinal properties of gokshura or tribbulus terrestris is described as follows in ayurvedic texts.

The medicinal properties of gokshura or tribbulus terrestris is described as follows in ayurvedic texts.
  • It normalizes vata and pittaIt is a very good aphrodesiac
  • It acts as a diuretic and cleanses the urinary system
  • It acts as anti inflammatory .
  • Because of its diuretic and anti inflammatory properties it is used in
    preparations of cystitis.
  • It is widely used in herbal preparations for Erectile dysfunction, piles, cough and bronchitis.
  • It is known to increase testosteron level